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发布时间: 2021-02-17 13:55:26

『壹』 巴西的安全规范,“NR12,NR10”要怎么认证

巴西监管标准(Brazilian Regulatory Standards)也称NRs,规范和提供与职业安全与健康有关的强制性程序的指导。回随着越来越多中答国制造的工程机械、生产加工设备等机械设备出口到巴西,中国制造商对于巴西关于作业场所机械设备的安全法规NR-12的关注度也日益升温。为规范对巴西国内雇主的要求,保护劳动者的合法权益,巴西劳动就业部先后颁布了37部与作业场所相关的法规(Regulatory Norms),简称NRs,其中NR-12就是专门针对作业场所机械设备的安全法规。第一版的NR-12于1978年6月颁布实施,历经数次更新完善,NR-12现行有效版本于2016年4月颁布实施。最新版NR-13是2017年9月修订完成,2018年6月18日正式实施。

『贰』 5g nr业务验证包括哪些类型


『叁』 UL认证 NRAQ是什么标准

这个不是标准 NRAQ是UL认证对应的产品的CCN NRAQ对应的产品是可编程序控制器

『肆』 怎样设置磊科NR235W无线 WEB认证


『伍』 北美都有一些什么认证呀

美国FCC、UL、ETL、Energy star(EPA)、FDA、CPSIA、CEC、ASTM、MET、DOT等;加拿大CSA、IC、NRcan;墨西哥NOM认证。深圳普特思可以帮你哦

『陆』 C-TUV-US认证是什么

Consumers and businesses in North America demand quality procts that are reliable and safe to operate. The U.S. and Canadian governments specify that procts must meet certain regulations before being placed on the market.

TUV Rheinland of North America, Inc. is known for providing comprehensive proct testing and certification services for global markets.

In the U.S., we are a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) by the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) and can legally certify procts under U.S. national standards. Procts tested and certified for the U.S. market by TUV Rheinland of North America, Inc. will be identified by the TUVus mark.

The Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) Program is a part of OSHA's Directorate of Technical Support. The Program recognizes private sector organizations as NRTLs and recognition signifies that an organization has met the necessary qualifications specified in the regulations for the Program. The NRTL determines that specific equipment and materials ("procts") meet consensus-based standards of safety to provide the assurance, required by OSHA, that these procts are safe for use in the U.S. workplace.

In Canada, the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) has accredited TUV Rheinland of North America, Inc. to test and certify procts to Canadian National Standards. Procts tested and certified for the Canadian market by TUV Rheinland of North America, Inc. will be identified by the cTUV mark.

When the cTUV mark is coupled with the TUVus mark, clients are able to demonstrate proct compliance for both the U.S. and Canadian markets through a single mark - cTUVus.

The cTUVus certification allows clients to gain a significant competitive advantage by recing time to market and cost for certification and follow-up.

cTUVus认证是美国和加拿大政府对投放到其市场的产品的一项认证,TUV是美国一家提供对全球产品认证的服务公司,cTUV是其针对对加拿大提供的认证,c for canada, TUVus则是针对美国的认证,二者结合起来就是cTUVus认证,通过这一认证的产品表示可以同时满足二国的规范。

更多的关于TUV认证,请去TUV公司网站http://www.us.tuv.com 浏览。

『柒』 在美国🇺🇸大学拿NR是什么意思

NR是Not reported 的缩写。

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