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发布时间: 2021-02-06 19:00:56

『壹』 linuxcnc是否有rtcp

LINUX CNC是没有RTCP,但是它支持多种结构的机床或者机械臂,比如SCARA等,

『贰』 换了一个传感器 地磅显示Ern 数字传感器协议不兼容怎么办


『叁』 绝对值编码器的通讯协议具体定义是什么啊(SSI,Profibus-DP,CANopen)


『肆』 海德汉和西克编码器协议一样吗


『伍』 编码器为什么需要电池供电







『陆』 发那科数控系统全闭环可以用磁栅尺吗


『柒』 HEIDENHAIN数控系统说明书英文内容

2. 设备用途、工作条件及基本要求:Application of the Equipment, Working Conditions and Fundamental Requirements:
2.1 设备主要用途 Main Application of the Equipment
购置该设备主要用于齿轮刀具剃齿刀的齿形磨削。要求被磨剃齿刀在不多于两次的装夹后完成齿形的精确修磨。并能对齿形、齿向进行任意修形。该设备还用于精磨标准齿轮和分度盘。The equipment is mainly applied to tooth grinding of gear shaver. It is required that accurate tooth coping be completed for the gear shaver within twice clamps. And the tooth form and tooth orientation can be arbitrarily shaped. The equipment should be able to accurately grind standard gear and index plate.
2.2 工作条件 Working Conditions
供电 AC 380V±10% 3相 50Hz±10%
Power Supply: AC 380V±10% triphase 50Hz±10%
环境温度 20±5℃
Environment Temperature: 20±5℃
相对湿度 ≤70% Relative Humidity: ≤70%
2.3 设备安装地点 Place for Installing the equipment
第一拖拉机股份有限公司齿轮厂 Gear Procing Plant of First Tractor Company Limited
★2.4 投标厂商基本要求 Basic Requirements for tenderer
设备的制造商必须有三年以上制造、生产经验,在中国国内有两年以上的销售业绩。It is required that the manufacturer been engaged in procing the equipment for not less than 3 years and in selling the equipment for not less than 2 years in China.
3. 设备技术要求及规格 Technical Requirements and Specifications for the equipments:
3.1 技术要求总则 General Technical Requirements
3.1.1 本技术规格书提供的是最低限度的技术要求,并未对一切技术细节作出规定,也未充分引述有关标准和规范的条文,投标人应保证提供符合或优于技术规格书和有关工业标准的优质产品。The technical specification book contains technical requirements of minimal degree, and all technical details are not included in it, and terms of relative standards and criterions are also not fully quoted. The tenderer should guarantee supply of proct of high grade which is in line with or excel requirements prescribed in the technical specification book and relative instrial standards.
3.1.2 技术规格书所使用的标准和规范如与中标方所执行的标准发生矛盾时,
按较高标准执行。If any contradiction occurs between the standards and specifications in the technical specification book and standards enforced by the tenderer, standards of higher grade should be enforced.
3.1.3 投标人所提供的所有技术文件的内容和产品图纸、制造工艺、试验检查依据等,除非在技术规格中另作规定外,均应使用相应的国际标准化组织标准和/或其它先进国际标准。这些标准应为合同签字日为止最新公布发行的标准。
All technical documents, proct drawings, procing crafts and testing gist provided by the tenderer should use corresponding international organization standards or other advanced international standards, unless specific regulations are made in the technical specification, and these standards should be up-to-date released standards as of signing the contract.
3.1.4 投标人提供货物所使用的度量衡单位除技术规格中另有规定外,应统一用公制单位。
Weights and measures units used by the tenderer for his goods should be metric unit unless specific regulations are made in the technical specification.
3.2 机床总体要求 General requirements for the machine tool
◇3.2.1 机床刚性好,具有良好的机床动态稳定性。机床的结构采用刚性和大体积的床身,采用世界先进技术,保证有足够的静态、动态、热稳态刚度和精度;保证系统具有良好的动态品质,所选的伺服系统执行元件精度高、可靠性好、抗干扰能力强、响应速度快。
The machine tool should be of good stiffness and of good dynamic stability. Its lathe bed should be of good stiffness and of large volume. Advanced international technology should be adopted to ensure enough static, dynamic, heatsteady-state stiffness and accuracy; to ensure excellent dynamic quality of the system; to ensure that executing components of the servo system be of high accuracy, excellent reliability, strong anti-jamming ability and quick response.
◇3.2.2 该设备在自动磨削中应具有自动调节补偿功能。The equipment should be capable of self-adjustment and compensation in automatic grinding.
★3.2.3 机床砂轮齿形修整采用全自动。Tooth finishing for the grinding wheel of the machine tool should be fully automatic.
3.2.4 机床操作和维修必须简便,不需借助吊车即可进行砂轮的装卸。Operation and maintenance of the machine tool should be simple and convenient, the grinding wheel should be able to be assembled and unassembled without crane.
3.2.5 设备必须具有国际上同行业中近年内的先进设计、制造水平,采用新的工艺、新材料、新技术(专有技术)进行制造和设计,保证机床造型美观。The equipment should be of internationally advanced design and procing crafts among the same trade in recent years. The equipment should adopt new crafts, new materials and new technology in its manufacture and design to ensure its beautiful mould.
3.2.6 设备必须具有质量的高可靠性,能稳定连续地工作,且具有尽可能长的使用寿命。The equipment should be of high reliability, capable of steady consecutive working and of service life as long as possible.
3.2.7 设备必须具有良好的操作性、维修性、良好的安全性能、不污染环境及危害人身健康。The equipment should be of excellent operation, maintenance and safety. The equipment should not pollute environment and harm human health.
★3.2.8 提供专用的标准齿轮磨削软件及磨削芯轴。The tenderer should provide standard gear wheel grinding software and grinding mandrel.
★3.2.9 提供专用的分度盘磨削软件及磨削芯轴。The tenderer should provide special dividing plate grinding software and grinding mandrel.
★3.2.10 提供专用的剃刀外圆修磨软件。The tenderer should provide special external grinding software for the gear shaver.
3.3 主要技术要求 Main Technical Requirements
所有技术规格与参数至少应满足产品加工的技术和精度要求。 All technical specifications and parameters should at least meet the technical and accuracy requirements for proct processing.
◇3.3.1 设备规格与参数 specifications and parameters of the equipment
最大加工直径: 400mm 分度盘到 420 mm
maximum processing diameter: 400mm dividing plate: 420 mm
最小工件内径: 64mm minimum workpiece inner diameter: 64mm
模数: 0.6~14 mode number: 0.6~14
齿数: 任意 number of teeth: random
工件最大宽度: 70mm maximum workpiece width: 70mm
最大砂轮直径: 760mm maximum diameter of grinding wheel: 760mm
最小砂轮直径: 660mm maximum diameter of grinding wheel: 660mm
最小工作台速度(展成速度): 60次/分钟 maximum speed of worktable: 60 times/minute
砂轮转速: 250~900rpm rotate speed of grinding wheel: 250~900rpm
压力角轴调整范围: 至少2°~24° adjustment scope of pressure angular shaft : at least 2°~24°
螺旋角范围: 左旋50°右旋55°scope of helix angle: left 50, right55°
砂轮修正器行程: Strokes of grinding wheel corrector:
平行砂轮轴线: ≥10mm parallel grinding wheel axles: ≥10mm
垂直于砂轮轴线: ≥64mm vertical grinding wheel axles:≥64mm
砂轮调整轴: ≥31.5mm adjustment axle of grinding wheel: ≥31.5mm
★3.3.2 机床数控轴不少于8轴 numerical control axle of the machine tool should not be less than 8. 工件主轴旋转及分度,采用HEIDENHAIN气密圆光栅控制,分辨率0.0001度Rotating and dividing of the main workpiece axle should be controlled by HEIDENHAIN airtight round-grating, and its resolution should be 0.0001°. 工件工作台展成运动,采用HEIDENHAIN气密直光栅控制,分辨率0.001毫米
Generating motion of workpiece worktable should be controlled by HEIDENHAIN airtight vertical-grating, and its resolution should be 0.001mm. 砂轮修整器径向行程, 采用伺服电机驱动,HEIDENHAIN气密直光栅控制,分辨率0.001毫米
Radial strokes of grinding wheel corrector should be driven by servo-actuato, and should be controlled by HEIDENHAIN airtight vertical-grating, and its resolution should be 0.001mm. 砂轮修整器轴向行程, 采用伺服电机驱动,HEIDENHAIN气密直光栅控制,分辨率0.0001毫米
Axial strokes of grinding wheel corrector should be driven by servo-actuato, and should be controlled by HEIDENHAIN airtight vertical-grating, and its resolution should be 0.0001mm. 砂轮头架垂直运动, 采用伺服电机驱动,HEIDENHAIN气密直光栅控制,分辨率0.001毫米
Vertical motion of grinding wheel headstock should be driven by servo-actuato, and should be controlled by HEIDENHAIN airtight vertical-grating, and its resolution should be 0.001mm. 压力角调整运动, 采用伺服电机驱动,HEIDENHAIN气密圆光栅控制,分辨率0.001度
Adjusting motion of pressure angle should be driven by servo-actuato, and should be controlled by HEIDENHAIN airtight round-grating , and its resolution should be 0.001°. 螺旋角调整运动, 采用伺服电机驱动,HEIDENHAIN气密圆光栅控制,分辨率0.001度
Adjusting motion of helix angle should be driven by servo-actuato, and should be controlled by HEIDENHAIN airtight round-grating, and its resolution should be 0.001°. 砂轮自动进给轴, 采用伺服3.3.2.10 电机驱动,HEIDENHAIN气密圆光栅控制,分辨率0.001度Automatic feed shaft of grinding wheel should be driven by servo-actuato, and should be controlled by HEIDENHAIN airtight round-grating , and its resolution should be 0.001°.
3.3.3 机床应配备自动润滑系统 The machine tool should be equipped with automatic lubrication system.
3.3.4 机床配备液压控制系统The machine tool should be equipped with hydraulic control system.
3.3.5 机床配备安全保护装置The machine tool should be equipped with safeguards unit.
3.3.6 机床配备除尘装置 The machine tool should be equipped with st control unit.
◇3.3.7 机床配备砂轮自动平衡装置The machine tool should be equipped with automatic balance unit for grinding wheel.
3.3.8 机床导轨和运动部件应配备保护装置。Guide rail and motional parts of the machine tool should be equipped with protective unit.
3.3.9 机床配备液压油冷却系统 The machine tool should be equipped with cooling system for hydraulic oil.
3.4 数控系统和电气部分 Numerical control system and electrical parts
3.4.1 要求采用西门子840D或优于该系统的数控系统。It should adopt Siemens 840D or other more excellent numerical control system.
3.4.2 机床加工过程由计算机控制系统进行控制,所有的加工参数和机床调整参数均由键盘输入并在显示器上显示。Processing of the machine tool should be controlled by computer control system. All processing parameters and adjusting parameters of the machine tool should be input by keyboard, and should be displayed in the screen.
3.4.3 计算机配置:64位微处理器,内存256M,硬盘3G,3.5吋软驱,操作系统选择中文显示。Computer allocation: 64-bit CPU, 256M EMS memory, 3G HD, 3.5Inch FD, and operation system should be displayed in Chinese.
3.4.4 配备RS232通讯接口和机外编程软件。It should be equipped with RS232 communication interface and off-line programme software
3.4.5 系统最少应能存储200个以上的不同加工程序。The system should be able to store at least 200 different processing proceres.
3.4.6 控制系统须具备维护、测试和自诊断程序,并能测试出控制系统及其他有关机器的故障。投标方须提供这些测试功能的细则。Control system should be capable of maintenance, testing and self-diagnosis proceres, and be able to test failures of numerical system and other relative machines. The tenderer should provide detailed rules of these testing functions.
3.4.7 投标方对所提供的控制系统具备如下功能: The numerical system provided by the tenderer should have the functions as follows:
控制系统遇到突然停电或其他意外事故的自我保护措施及数据不丢失的能力,程序能够不间断执行。The control system should be capable of self-protection and ensuring data not to be lost when power failure or other accidents happen, and the procere should be consecutively operated.
控制系统存储器存储零件程序的能力、容量及配置的软盘驱动装置,通信接口的功能。Memorizer of the control system should include the ability and capacity of storing parts proceres, FD arrangements collocated, and function of communication interfaces
脱机编程所用的硬件及软件、程序输入主机的辅助措施。Hardware and software used for offline programme, auxiliary measures for inputting proceres into mainframe.
3.4.8 所有的控制程序、软件都必须提供备份磁盘。Backup discs of all control proceres and software should be provided.
3.4.9 所有的伺服电机及重要的电子元件均采用世界顶级公司的产品。All servo-actuato and important electric components should adopt procts of top-ranking companies in the world.
3.4.10投标方须提供PC或计算机控制系统、控制面板等生产厂商名称及型号。The tenderer should provide name of manufacturer of PC or computer control system, control panel and their types.
3.5 在线检测 On-line Testing
★3.5.1 配置机床在线检测系统,用于在线检测剃齿刀的齿形、齿向和齿距误差。On-line testing system for the machine tool should be equipped to on-line test error of tooth form, tooth orientation and tooth spacing of gear shaver.
3.5.2 在磨完第一个齿或磨完一个工件以后,使用该装置可以在机床上检测工件的齿形、齿向。The arrangement should be able to test tooth form and tooth orientation of workpiece after the first tooth or workpiece is grinded.
★3.5.3 该装置由下列部件构成:The arrangement should be composed of following components:
- 独立的数控轴,由西门子数字式伺服电机和滚珠丝杠驱动,由HEIDENHAIN气密光栅尺反馈控制;Independent NC axle, driven by Siemens numeric servo-actuato and ball screw, and controlled by HEIDENHAIN airtight grating
- 可移动测量臂带有Renishaw 电感测头 Movable gage beam, equipped with Renishaw inctance gauge head
- 一套测量头,可以测量机床加工范围内的所有剃齿刀
A set of gauge head, able to test all gear shaver within the processing scope of the machine tool
- 专用控制测量软件,测量齿形、齿向并可以自动评估数值。Special control and measurement software, able to test tooth form and tooth orientation and to estimate numerical value automatically.
- 配有测头防尘装置。Dustproof unit for gauge head
3.6 机床的安全保护设施 safeguards units for the machine tool
3.6.1 机床的安全防护技术条件应符合中国国家强制性标准<GB15760-1995金属切削机床安全防护技术条件>。Safeguards technology terms for the machine tool should be in line with national compellent standards of China(GB15760-1995 safeguards technology terms for the machine tool of metal cutting).
◇3.6.2 砂轮须配置防护罩,并带有旋转指示灯。除用于一般操作的防护措施外,须提供附加防护装置以保护操作者在加工、安装、维护时的安全,并带有特定的砂轮加速检查程序。The gear wheel should be equipped with protective cup and rotating indicator light. Beyond protective measures for ordinary operation, additional protective arrangement should be provided to protect operators in processing, installing and maintaining, and with special checking proceres for the gear wheel acceleration.
3.6.3 所有的安全说明书及安全标志须用国际通用符号标识,并用中、英文两种文字标识,在设备装运时,所有安全标志须由设备制造方设置。All safety instruction book and safe marks should adopt international current markers, and should be marked in Chinese and English. When the equipment is shipped, all safe marks should be set by the manufacturer.
3.7 机床的环保要求 Environment Protection Requirements of the Machine Tool
3.7.1 投标方须规范所有用于机床的液体不含有毒性物(PCB) The tenderer should guarantee that all liquid used to the machine tool should not include poisonous substances (PCB)
3.7.2 机床的噪声等级应不超过75dBA。Noise grade of the machine tool should not surpass 75dBA.
3.7.3 吸尘系统须保证工作环境的粉尘浓度符合中国的环保要求。st collecting system should ensure that st concentration of working environment be in lien with environment protection requirements in China.
3.8 机床的其他要求 Other Requirements of the Machine Tool
3.8.1 所有导轨自动润滑性能好,润滑油应符合中国国家标准及国际通用标准。提供润滑油、液压油及冷却液的牌号。All guide rail should be of excellent lubricating function, and lubricating oil should be line with national standards in China and international current standards. lubricating oil, hydraulic oil and cooling liquid should be provided trademarks.
3.8.2 控制箱密封并装有警示记号显示。Control casing should be sealed and equipped with warning marks.
3.8.3 机床须装备独立的液压系统、冷却系统,不允许液压油及冷却油在机床上任何部位泄露。The machine tool should be equipped with independent hydraulic system and cooling system, leakage of hydraulic oil and cooling oil on any part of the machine tool should not be allowed.
3.8.4 机床须具有对所有滑动和滚动元部件进行自动集中润滑系统,并能通过控制系统的控制面板反映润滑故障及报警。 The machine tool should be equipped with automatic concentration lubrication system for all slipping and rolling components, and be able to reflect lubrication failure and give an alarm through control panel of the control system.
3.9 附件 Accessories
3.9.1 配有一套必要的机床操作和维修专用工具。A set of special tools necessary for operating and maintaining the machine tool should be provided.
3.9.2 提供两年必要的易损易耗件清单并分项报价,计入投标总价。List of vulnerable and fugitive parts necessary for two-year use should be provided, and with itemized quotation. The itemized quotation should be reckoned into total price for bidding.
3.10 投标设备除标准配置外,按技术规格所要求的非标准配置必须提供分项价格,计入投标总价。Apart from standard collocation, itemized quotation for non-standard collocation of the equipment for bidding in accordance with technical specifications should be provided, and reckoned into total price for bidding.
4. 技术文件和标准 Technical Documents and Standards
4.1 所有技术文件、图样都应优先考虑使用中文,且字迹清楚,内容完整 All technical documents and drawings should be primarily made in Chinese, with clear writing and intact content.
4.1.1 两套中文和英文技术文件。如机床操作使用说明书(操作手册)、结构原理手册、维修保养说明书及必要的易损件图纸、电气说明书、编程手册、详细维修用的资料和图纸(应包括产品内部主要机械结构与控制装置电路、管路原理图、控制面板布置图、接线图、液压管路连接图、装配示意图、易损件图、基础图)、生产许可证以及验收证等。其中一套在合同生效后二个月内提供。
2 set of technical documents both in Chinese and English. Such as operation manual for the machine tool, structure schematic diagram, maintenance manual and necessary drawings for vulnerable parts, electrical manual, programme manual, detailed documents and drawing for maintenance (include circuit and pipeline schematic diagram of the main mechanical structure and control arrangements inside the proct, arrangement plan of the control panel, connecting diagram, hydraulic pipeline connection diagram, assemblage diagrammatic sketch, drawing for vulnerable parts and foundation drawing), proction license, acceptance certificate and etc. One set of them should be provided within 2 months after the contract going into effect.
1 set of discs for documents above should also be provided.
4.1.2 制造厂的产品验收报告、检验合格证书、质量保证书、说明书及外购件Receiving report for the proct, certificate of qualification by testing, quality assurance manual, instruction manual and bought-in components provided by the manufacturer.
说明书(英文和中文)。Instruction manual(in Chinese and English)
4.1.3 数控系统厂家保修单、操作手册(英文和中文),编程手册(英文和中文)及相应软件及连接电缆。Maintenance card, operation manual (in Chinese and English), programme manual (in Chinese and English) and corresponding software and connection cables provided by the manufacturer of the NC system.
4.1.4 各外购部件的制造厂家的检验合格证,使用说明书,质保文件及必要的
其它技术文件。Certificate of qualification by testing, operating instruction manual, quality assurance manual and other necessary technical documents provided by manufacturers of bought-in components.
4.1.5 提供主要部件的供货商清单。List of suppliers of main parts should be provided.
4.1.6 供方认为有必要提供的其它技术资料。Other technical documents which the supplier thinks it necessary to provide.

『捌』 那位高人能告诉我三洋伺服电机编码器有带电池,电池线拆去后再接上就报ALA1,是什么原因,怎么处理谢谢

带电池的编码器应该是绝对值编码器,欧系的的海德汉Endat2.2协议,三洋的不知是哪家的, 但原理应该是一样的,需要保存电机的参数,你拆掉电池后导致参数丢失,需要重新写入!祝好

『玖』 德奥电梯7000的怎么改运行方向

上海新时达F5021:01234 06666 08888 09999 12588 91110 19163(高级密码)
无锡中秀韦伯CAN3000、3000B:012345无锡中秀的WECAN-3000是123456 、板子通讯波特率设置(1)外呼显示、D16或D0、(2)01D通讯板P18第一排针脚短接是低波特率、拿掉是高波特率。
沈阳蓝光BL2000:9898 4343 0000 1234 1010 1111 4848、蓝光主板运行次数设定方法是先把电梯检修然后输入高级密码9898然后再进入SPECIAL PARA ENTER 里的RUN STOP TIMER 里自己修改自己想要的运行次数最高是9999次设定好后确定 然后再到SAVE PARA ENTER里保存就可以了
德国奔克的:5061 5060(长沙枫树园基本菜单0319、服务菜单6688)
米高3000;99668 99887
1、 邵东-新马电梯、蓝光2000主板密码19800319
2、 安化-星玛电梯S8(新时达)一体机一级密码6699二级密码6688超级密码319

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