⑴ 求救~~“中华人民共和国房屋所有权证”用英语怎么说
Premises Permit, 所以我的建议是:
Premises Permit
People's Republic of China
⑵ 土地所有权来源/房屋所有权来源(翻译成英语)
English和England的名称是如何来的呢?凯尔特人将征服他们的盎格鲁人、撒克逊人和朱特人习惯地统称为Saxons(撒克逊人)。早期拉丁语学者仿照凯尔特人的习惯.也将这三个日耳曼部族称作Saxones.并将他们征服的不列颠称作Saxonia。随后,Angli和Anglia在拉丁语著作中分别代替了Saxones和Saxonia。到了公元700年所有的人都把当时通行在不列颠岛上的语言称作Englisc(盎格鲁人一直就是这样称呼其使用的语言的),三个入侵的日耳曼部族则统称为Angelcynn(=kin of the Angles即“盎格鲁人的家族”)到了公元1000年整个国家则被称作Englaland (=land of the Angles盎格鲁人的土地)。由于语言内部在发音和拼写方面发生了演变Englisc和Englaland才变成了今天的English和England。
⑶ “郑房权证字第0801051080号房屋所有权证”这句话 中的“郑房权证字第XXX号”怎么用英文翻译呢
Zhengzhou Real Estate Registration Certificate Number XX
⑷ 关于房产证专业术语或词汇,需要中英文的。谢谢
房产证Property ownership certificate
权属人 property owner
身份证号码identity card no.
房屋所有权来源source of housing ownership
**年**月购买 purchased in **,**
房屋用途usage of the house
占有房屋份额share of the house
××栋××号全套,××平米 full owner of suite**,building no.** area:**square meters
房屋所有权性质 property of housing ownership
土地使用权来源source of land-use right
土地使用权性质property of land-use right
房地坐落site of the house
房屋情况state of the house
钢精混凝土结构 armoured concrete
竣工日期date of completion
建基面积area of the building base
建筑面积building area
其中住宅建筑面积domestic building area
其中套内建筑面积room building area
四墙归属ownership of four walls
土地情况state of land
地号land no.
图号chart no.
土地等级land grade
使用权类型type of tenure
中止日期expiration date
使用权面积area of tenure
自用面积area of own use
共用面积area of public use
使用权证号license number of tenure
填证机关department of filling certificate
房地产共有情况state of mutual ownership(use) of resl estate
共有(用)人person of mutual owmership(use)
占有房屋份额share of the house
共有(有)权证号certificate number of mutual ownership(use)
纳税情况state of taxation 契价agreed price税率tax rate种类 type纳税tax
⑸ “产权” “房屋产权证”用英语怎么说
property right
housing property right certificate
⑹ 房屋所有权取得 方式的翻译是:什么意思
房屋所有权取得 方式
the way to get the ownership of the house
⑺ 中华人民共和国 房屋所有权证 怎么翻译
Housing the People's Republic of China to all of E
⑻ 房屋所有权证翻译
In accordance with The Constitution Of The People’s Republic of China and The City Real Estate Administrative Law Of The People’s Republic of China, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the house owner, after checking the house properties listed in the certificate applied for and registered by the house owner, it is found to be genuine, hereby the owner is conferred the house ownership certificate.
中华人民共和国机动车行驶证Driving Licence of the People's Republic of China 这个翻译,驾照上有中英文对照的。
⑼ 房屋所有权人的英文怎么说
[词典] house owner; housing owner;
The lessees and other users shall not decorate the house without the authorization in written of the house owner.