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发布时间: 2021-01-28 16:07:42

① 汉译英 商标翻译的方法

(1) transliteration method
The method, namely, the original trademark translation into pronunciation sounds similar or identical purpose language translation method, which can be divided into pure translation and translation homophonic two. Pure translation is also called direct method, i.e. transliteration words according to the foreign languagetrademark pronunciation, choose the same or similar characters together, these phrases in Chinese often have no meaning. The original trademark translation reserve pure beauty and calling the phonological features, such as Motorola, Motorola (mobile), Sony Sony (TV), Kodak (film) Kodak. Homophonic translation also called homophonic pun, namely when translation can arouse Chinese consumers choose good words or phrases of the association. Because there are many Chinese characters, thus homonym freedom of choice in translation, beautiful pronunciation loud words. "Benjamin is Arche", is attractive "ting" Pantene, keeps the sound of loud, "qian", "on the beautiful woman" characters more outstanding cosmetics procts.
(2) free translation
Finally, the original trademark in accordance with the actual meaning of words in the same or similar meaning translated into the target language translation. This is different from the "free" with "translation" (literal translation "maybe) relatively free" (maybe). The trademark translation of the original trademark will only use the language, including the literal translation and innovative translation. Literal translation is to convey the original semantic translation directly, this loyalty to the original meaning of trademark, but often YuZaiYuan limitations and pragmatic meaning of elegant trademark. If English trademark Blue Bird (car) awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in the Blue of pantomime Bird Bird Blue, the symbol of happiness. But Chinese "bluebird and inspired our consumer associations, the beautiful blue jays" namely ""." Consumers will soon to tang poetry: "three go without much pengshan this way, after watching", diligent for exploration of birds is penglai, angel fairyland bluebird translation is the literal translation.
(3) sound mind and translation
Sound mind and translation, namely to take part, part of brand trademark translation methods adopted transliteration words. The original trademark translation methods based on the sound, the pronunciation and found in the same or similar procts must also reflects the characteristics of vocabulary. If Simmons translated as "xi mengsai", not only with the original sound similar, but "xi mengsai" lets a person associate to sweet dreams. The original trademark translation or part of the meaning, plus transliteration. Example: Goldlion's literally means "", but translated as "JinLiLai". Note the trademark translation word meaning both represent a certain procts but also have certain words, trademark, namely: reminiscent of the proct. Generally means the most successful both sound translation examples of Coca is Ccla the translation of "Coca-Cola" YuanWenYin with same also reflects the characteristics of this proct, a see "Coca-Cola" is for people to quote or edible. Besides "Coca-Cola" give meaning is very good.
(4) decrease sound
Decrease sound method, i.e. the English trademarks in long note to delete the translation methods. English trademarks in translated into Chinese by two more easily after a dirty word or form of Chinese aesthetic bi-syllable conforms to the development trend of The Times and habits, Dirty mark is originated from China time-honored tradition, such as "tong" quanjude ", etc. So long in the English trademarks sound cut is necessary. Chinese translation can rece the name for two or more syllables. As a dirty mark, McDonald's old "mike when", as the day after the sound McDonald's side.
(5) increase words
Increasing words in translation, namely after the main syllables and features plus consistent translation methods of complacency. In translation, after the main syllable name according to need to add features with goods or key meaning to highlight the propaganda, attract consumer procts. Add a principle is the word in the word meaning and tone with the original trademark in proportion. Otherwise it will, and improper. For example: Colgate translated as ", "" clean" Colgate toothpaste word reflects the cleaning effect, Pepsi translated as "Pepsi cola" belong to lexical use to increase the trademark translation.
Thus, despite the trademark translation and concise, but words but very difficult. Only the ability of consumer psychology, respecting national habits and properly use the trademark translation methods and techniques, just can make the standard in the war of leading consumer, promoting consumption. A good commodities, plus a pleasant two-syllable name means. Good trademark translation embodies the translation techniques and the perfect combination of art aesthetics, also can bring good commodities effect.

② 中国国内的商标 翻译 用音意结合和转译的方法 每个方法各10个国内商标...谢谢了..真的...急啊!!!!

奇瑞 Chery
北京烤鸭 peking ck 联想Lenovo

③ 当代国际商务英语翻译中商标翻译方法有几种


④ <商品名称中的英文与汉译方法探究>讨教,如何写好商品名称英文翻译探究,而不是商标名称探究

为什么翻译是麦当劳? 3可口可乐(英文名称:Coca-Cola,也称Coke),可口可乐你所说的如何翻译就是谐音,那么其中有几个谐音过头了,可口可乐叫“蝌蝌啃

⑤ 商标词翻译方法有几种常见方法


⑥ 什么是商标翻译的借用法

这种方法的特点一是方内便、简单,二是为一些名容今后的汉语翻译留下空间 。众所周知,随着我国对外开放力度的加大,外国品牌纷纷涌入中国已是不争的事实。可能有些“来不及”译,或许有些难译,甚至有些商家认为保持原名而不必译等,这也给了市场检验、熟悉和接触这种品牌的机会。

⑦ 商标的翻译方法有哪些



音译法,即把原语商标中的音翻译成发音相似或相同的目的语的翻译法,可分为纯音译法和谐音译法两种。纯音译法也称为直接音译法,即根据外文商标词的读音,选择读音相同或相近的汉字组合在一起,这些词组在汉语中常常没有任何意义。纯音译法保留了原文商标的音韵美和呼唤功能,如Motorola摩托罗拉(手机)、Sony索尼(彩电),Kodak柯达(胶卷)。谐音译法也称谐音双关法,即在翻译时选取能激起中国消费者美好联想的谐音词汇或词组。因为汉字有很多同音异义字,因此在翻译时可自由选择发音响亮、意境优美的字来表现。 Arche译为“雅倩”、Pantene译为“潘婷”,既保留了原音音节的响亮,同时选用“倩”、“婷”等表现女性的秀美汉字更突出了化妆品的的商品特色。


意译法,即把按照原语商标中的词的实际意思翻译成意思相同或者相似的目的语的翻译法。此处的“意译”不同于与“直译”(literal translation)相对的“意译”(free translation)。商标的意译只是将原商标的意思用译入语表示出来,包括直译法和创新性翻译法。直译法是指直接传达原文语义的翻译方法,此法忠实于原文商标的含义,但常常局限于在原语和译语中都寓意优雅的商标。如英文商标BlueBird(轿车名)典出获诺贝尔文学奖的童话剧Blue Bird,剧中的Blue Bird象征幸福。而汉译“蓝鸟”又激发了我国消费者的美好联想,“蓝鸟”即“青鸟”。消费者很快会联想到唐朝李商隐的诗句:“蓬山此去无多路,青鸟殷勤为探看”,青鸟乃蓬莱仙境的使者,因此“蓝鸟”的翻译就是直译法。

音意兼译法,即对部分商标词采取意译,部分商标词采取音译的翻译方法。这种翻译方法以原商标的音为基础,在译入语中找到发音与原文相同或相似同时又反映出产品一定特性的词汇。如Simmons翻译成“席梦思”,不仅音与原文相似,而且“席梦思”让人联想到甜美的梦幻。或者翻译出原商标的部分意思,另外加上音译。例如:Goldlion的字面意思就是“金狮”,而是翻译成“金利来”。音意兼顾翻译的商标词除了代表某一产品外,商标词还有一定的含义,即:使人联想到该产品的特性。公认的音意兼顾翻译最为成功的例子是Coca Ccla的汉译“可口可乐”既与原文音相同也反映出这种产品的特点,一看“可口可乐”就知道是供人们引用或食用的。此外“可口可乐”给人的联想意义也非常好。






⑧ 商标从中文翻译成英文时 哪些类型的需要用音译法


⑨ 关于英汉商标翻译方法的书有什么


⑩ 商标从中文翻译成英文时 哪些类型的需要用音译法


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