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發布時間: 2021-03-01 04:45:38

⑴ 用英語介紹一位發明


Alexander Graham Bell was born in Scotland. His mother, who was deaf, was a musician and a painter of portraits. His father, who taught deaf people how to speak, invented "Visible Speech". This was a code which showed how the tongue, lips, and throat were positioned to make speech sounds. Graham, or "Aleck", as his family called him, was interested in working with the deaf throughout his life.

Thomas Watson became an associate of Bell. He made parts and built models of Bell's inventions. One day while they were working Bell accidently heard the sound of a plucked reed * coming over the telegraph wire. Watson had been tuning the metal reeds in the next room. Bell drew up a plan for the telephone and they continued to experiment. The next day he transmitted the famous words, "Mr. Watson, come here. I want you!" A few months later on Feb. 14, 1876, he applied for a patent on his telephone.

He continued to invent other things. He developed a method of making phonograph * records on a wax disc. He made an iron breathing lung, and a device for locating icebergs at sea. He experimented with sheep. He was interested in kites that could lift a man, and he invented a hydrofoil * which set a world speed record of over 70 miles per hour.

⑵ 寫一個介紹發明家的故事



⑶ 發明家資料

Thomas Edison, 1847-1931 America's Great Inventor

Edison is remembered most for the electric light, phonograph and his work with motion pictures.


Welcome to the VOA Special English program, People in America. Today, Sarah Long and Bob Doughty tell about the inventor Thomas Alva Edison. He had a major effect on the lives of people around the world. Thomas Edison is remembered most for the electric light, his phonograph and his work with motion pictures.



Thomas Edison's major inventions were designed and built in the last years of the eighteen hundreds. However, most of them had their greatest effect in the twentieth century. His inventions made possible the progress of technology.

It is extremely difficult to find anyone living today who has not been affected in some way by Thomas Edison. Most people on Earth have seen some kind of motion picture or heard some kind of sound recording. And almost everyone has at least seen an electric light.

These are only three of the many devices Thomas Edison invented or helped to improve. People living in this century have had easier and more enjoyable lives because of his inventions.


Thomas Alva Edison was born on February eleventh, eighteen forty-seven in the small town of Milan, Ohio. He was the youngest of seven children.

Thomas Edison was self-taught. He went to school for only three months. His teacher thought he could not learn because he had a mental problem. But young Tom Edison could learn. He learned from books and he experimented.

At the age of ten, he built his own chemical laboratory. He experimented with chemicals and electricity. He built a telegraph machine and quickly learned to send and receive telegraph messages. At the time, sending electric signals over wires was the fastest method of sending information long distances. At the age of sixteen, he went to work as a telegraph operator.

He later worked in many different places. He continued to experiment with electricity. When he was twenty-one, he sent the United States government the documents needed to request the legal protection for his first invention. The government gave him his first patent on an electric device he called an Electrographic Vote Recorder. It used electricity to count votes in an election.


In the summer months of eighteen sixty-nine, the Western Union Telegraph Company asked Thomas Edison to improve a device that was used to send financial information. It was called a stock printer. Mister Edison very quickly made great improvements in the device. The company paid him forty thousand dollars for his effort. That was a lot of money for the time.

This large amount of money permitted Mister Edison to start his own company. He announced that the company would improve existing telegraph devices and work on new inventions.

Mister Edison told friends that his new company would invent a minor device every ten days and proce what he called a "big trick" about every six months. He also proposed that his company would make inventions to order. He said that if someone needed a device to do some kind of work, just ask and it would be invented.


Within a few weeks Thomas Edison and his employees were working on more than forty different projects. They were either new inventions or would lead to improvements in other devices. Very quickly he was asking the United States government for patents to protect more than one hundred devices or inventions each year. He was an extremely busy man. But then Thomas Edison was always very busy.

He almost never slept more than four or five hours a night. He usually worked eighteen hours each day because he enjoyed what he was doing. He believed no one really needed much sleep. He once said that anyone could learn to go without sleep.



Thomas Edison did not enjoy taking to reporters. He thought it was a waste of time. However, he did talk to a reporter in nineteen seventeen. He was seventy years old at the time and still working on new devices and inventions.

The reporter asked Mister Edison which of his many inventions he enjoyed the most. He answered quickly, the phonograph. He said the phonograph was really the most interesting. He also said it took longer to develop a machine to reproce sound than any other of his inventions.

Thomas Edison told the reporter that he had listened to many thousands of recordings. He especially liked music by Brahms, Verdi and Beethoven. He also liked popular music.

Many of the recordings that Thomas Edison listened to in nineteen seventeen can still be enjoyed today. His invention makes it possible for people around the world to enjoy the same recorded sound.


The reporter also asked Thomas Edison what was the hardest invention to develop. He answered quickly again -- the electric light. He said that it was the most difficult and the most important.

Before the electric light was invented, light was provided in most homes and buildings by oil or natural gas. Both caused many fires each year. Neither one proced much light.

Mister Edison had seen a huge and powerful electric light. He believed that a smaller electric light would be extremely useful.He and his employees began work on the electric light.


An electric light passes electricity through material called a filament or wire. The electricity makes the filament burn and proce light. Thomas Edison and his employees worked for many months to find the right material to act as the filament.

Time after time a new filament would proce light for a few moments and then burn up. At last Mister Edison found that a carbon fiber proced light and lasted a long time without burning up. The electric light worked.

At first, people thought the electric light was extremely interesting but had no value. Homes and businesses did not have electricity. There was no need for it.

Mister Edison started a company that provided electricity for electric lights for a small price each month. The small company grew slowly at first. Then it expanded rapidly. His company was the beginning of the electric power instry.


Thomas Edison also was responsible for the very beginnings of the movie instry. While he did not invent the idea of the motion picture, he greatly improved the process. He also invented the modern motion picture film.

When motion pictures first were shown in the late eighteen hundreds, people came to see movies of almost anything -- a ship, people walking on the street, new automobiles. But in time, these moving pictures were no longer interesting.

In nineteen-oh-three, an employee of Thomas Edison's motion picture company proced a movie with a story. It was called "The Great Train Robbery." It told a simple story of a group of western criminals who steal money from a train. Later they are killed by a group of police in a gun fight. The movie was extremely popular. "The Great Train Robbery" started the huge motion picture instry.



Thomas Alva Edison is remembered most for the electric light, his phonograph and his work with motion pictures. However, he also invented several devices that greatly improved the telephone. He improved several kinds of machines called generators that proced electricity. He improved batteries that hold electricity. He worked on many different kinds of electric motors including those for electric trains.

Mister Edison also is remembered for making changes in the invention process. He moved from the Nineteenth Century method of an indivial doing the inventing to the Twentieth Century method using a team of researchers.


In nineteen thirteen, a popular magazine at the time called Thomas Edison the most useful man in America. In nineteen twenty-eight, he received a special medal of honor from the Congress of the United States.

Thomas Edison died on January sixth, nineteen thirty-one. In the months before his death he was still working very hard. He had asked the government for legal protection for his last invention. It was patent number one thousand ninety-three.



This Special English program was written and proced by Paul Thompson. The announcers were Sarah Long and Bob Doughty.

I'm Mary Tillotson. Join us again next week for another PEOPLE IN AMERICA program on the Voice of America.

⑷ 科學家或發明家的簡介



Thomas Alva Edison (1847~1931)
美國發明家、企業家。1847年 2月11日生於俄亥俄州邁蘭,1931年10月18日卒於新澤西州門洛帕克。愛迪生一生沒有受過系統的正規教育,但卻取得了1000多項發明專利。愛迪生除有留聲機、電燈等舉世矚目的發明外,在電影方面亦頗多建樹,堪稱為電影的最早發明人。由於受到留聲機的啟發,他想到了記錄和再現活動影像,發明留影機。1888年,愛迪生研製了一台稱之為活動電影的攝影機,能在一條50英尺的膠片上拍攝600多幅連續畫面,從而可以紀錄持續活動約1分鍾的景物,這種攝影機被視為近代電影攝影機的始祖。1891年,他和W.K.L.迪克森發明了早期的活動電影視鏡。1893年,活動電影視鏡在芝加哥萬國博覽會上展出,並成為商品問世,先後在紐約和歐洲銷售。這種電影裝置是一種單人窺視箱。後來,法國的L.盧米埃爾兄弟發明了可供多人觀看的銀幕放映的電影,才形成了現代電影的原型。愛迪生用的感光材料,開始是用火棉膠做片基,1889年改為G.伊斯曼提供的用作照相材料的賽璐珞片基。愛迪生還曾把他的活動電影視鏡和留聲機同步化,製作成世界上第1部機械錄音和還音的有聲電影。愛迪生採用的膠片寬度為劌英寸(近似後來的35毫米標准型影片);畫面寬1英寸,高咡英寸(近似35毫米標准型影片的畫面);畫面寬高比為1.33:1(與35毫米標准型影片同);影片兩邊打孔,每格畫面占 4個片孔(與35毫米標准型影片同)。他所用的這些規格一直被沿用至今

⑸ 發明家的事跡


⑹ 偉大的發明家愛迪生的一生簡介








⑺ 中國科學家發明家的故事的介紹


⑻ 發明家的資料


⑼ 世界上最偉大的十大發明家 寫得清楚詳細點 發明了些什麼 具體


⑽ 介紹發明家的故事


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