❶ 求北歐民謠的女歌手
Anne Karin Kaasa 的《Gje Meq Handa Di》
瑞典女歌手的演唱,這首歌聽完之後,肯定讓你三月不知肉味。 這位叫安妮·卡琳·卡莎的女歌手金發碧眼,唱腔中明顯帶著北歐民謠風格,氣質極高貴。想來這種極貴氣的聲線在當地並沒什麼稀奇, 多如國內唱民歌的演員。 離奇的是這首歌的旋律竟是如此優美,優美得有些象童話中的風景,將人帶去世外桃源。另外,錄音好得叫人發瘋。你應該注意到那有著美妙滑音的吉他伴奏,即使手指輕輕的擦弦亦纖毫畢現。此外弦線的質感,擊弦時吉他共鳴腔的木質感都逼真得叫人五體投地。
北歐民謠風格的其實挺難找的,你說又不能太熟的,但是enya不是民謠風格的,或許不是我理解的民謠風格,她的音樂更多的是new age的。
大家最熟悉的北歐的民謠風格的女歌手恐怕就是Lene Marlin了
「Unforgivable Sinner」,大大地震撼了挪威的排行榜,不但得到了挪威葛萊美獎的肯定,並且得到排行榜冠軍長達五周之久。她的唱片並成為挪威有史以來銷售量最高、銷售速度最快的單曲。不但如此,歐洲與日本也已經沾染了這波Lene Marlin的熱潮。在日本,從今年年初發行至今已有超過二十萬張的銷量;在法國、義大利及西歐各國的排行榜上,也紛紛拿下冠軍。
Lene Marlin並不是只有甜美的外表,她的專業演唱技巧、超高水準的詞曲創作以及宛如天籟的優美音質在在表現出獨樹一格且與眾不同的特質。Lene Marlin用一把空心吉他與她優美的聲音,傳達了獨有的音樂覺醒意識,這種自我的意識,有時甚至在成熟的歌者身上都還無法找到。
Lene Marlin的歌曲在許多的部分都反映出她的周遭環境,例如將歡樂不斷的北國夏日夜晚,用自然且立即具像的方式描繪出來,讓聽者無法不動容。她也用更深層、更神秘的方式,來反映出冬天的漫長與憂傷。Lene Marlin自己表示:「我可以從許許多多的事物之中,得到寫作歌曲的靈感,不論是每天生活中的小事件,或者是報章雜志中所刊載的重要事件。我的心思是四處飄移的,而我也常常是非常迷失的。我每天都要花許多的時間聽音樂或閱讀有關音樂的東西,沒有什麽比得上我對音樂的熱愛。」Lene Marlin曾表示:「這真的是非常辛苦的工作,有太多太多的新事物要學習。我必須學習將我所寫的簡單旋律轉變成現代流行的歌曲,過程雖然辛苦,卻非常值得。」
❷ 分別推薦挪威,瑞典,芬蘭,丹麥,比利時,德國,捷克等國的著名歌手(一國兩三名)
厄 把我知道的寫上吧
挪威 女歌手Maria Arredondo 代表作 burning
瑞典 男歌手Darin Zanyar 代表作 B WHAT U WANNA B , IF ONLY YOU
獨立樂隊 CLUB 8 代表作也滿內多滴。容
芬蘭 歌特樂隊NIGHTWISH 代表作很多。。。。。不過現在換主唱了。
比利時 日本的SOULJA不知道算不算呢 從小在比利時長大 青山テルマ feat.SoulJa ここにいるよ 很好聽呢
德國 德國戰車,sarah connor, (那首 JUST ONE LAST DANCE。。。)還有 groove coverage(GOD IS A GIRL還有很多好聽的。。。。)
不過推薦你聽荷蘭的歌特樂隊WITHIN TEMPTATION 她們的memories特別好聽,MV也很唯美,YOUKU上就有。
瑞士有一個樂隊 LUNIK 的歌也特 好聽 女主唱聲音很清新 THE GAME和FALL 都很飄逸呢 ,網路MP3里可能沒有 你去網路網頁里搜「SongTaste 用音樂傾聽彼此」這個網站裡面有。
❸ 誰能告訴這位瑞典女歌手Sandra Oxenryd的簡介
Sandra Oxenryd是位頗有實力的瑞典女歌手。曾經是經濟系學生、運動員的Sandra Oxenryd,11歲就在電視節目中開始其演唱生涯,18歲在電視模仿秀中因模仿著名瑞典巨星Carola獲得巨大成功從而奪得亞軍。05年開始與當地最大唱片公司錄制自己首張唱片。據說,她自記事起就喜歡看每年的"Eurovision Song Contest(歐洲歌唱大賽)"是歐洲廣播聯盟(European Broadcasting Union)主辦的一項歌唱比賽,自1956年開始舉辦,是同類型比賽中規模最大者之一。在2006年,一共有38個歐洲及鄰近國家派出代表參加比賽,並有1.5億觀眾透過電視觀看。2006年Sandra Oxenryd以一曲「Through My Window」比第2名高出6分德成績贏得代表愛沙尼亞參賽當屆"Eurovision Song Contest(歐洲歌唱大賽)"的資格。這首帶有鄉村靈魂風格的快歌讓更多的歌迷認識並喜歡上Sandra Oxenryd,一個聲音充滿無限釋放力的美麗女歌手,感覺就像她本身具有的能力那樣,說是Lara Fabian的接班人都會有過之而無不及。2008年Sandra代表波蘭參賽"ESC",憑一支膾炙人口的舞曲 "Superhero",拿下當賽第八名。
覺得這個女人嗓音條件太難得了,你聽不到她聲線里的局限,也無法預知鋼琴最高音是否會是她的極限。無論低音中音高音,她都會演繹得十分平穩,充滿自信的能量。3年前的流行專輯,每首都非常不錯,我無法選擇。如果實在要我推薦,就是要著重欣賞下翻唱法國天後Lara Fabian的名曲"I Will Love Again",還有Kelly Clarkson的翻唱經典"A Moment Like This".Sandra沒有單純平庸的仿效,更多賦予了自己的理解和詮釋,聽起來很是有番滋味。
❹ 瑞典好的歌手、樂隊及組合都有哪些歌手的代表作或曲風是什麼,熟悉瑞典音樂的幫忙推薦下啊
Darin Zanyar 這個是pop 最著名的Be what you wanna be
The perishers 這個是樂隊曲風柔和 代表作sway
Club 8 這個是一專支獨立樂隊 代表作love in december
❺ 我想知道關於瑞典歌手Bambee的詳細資料以及她的所有歌曲
Bambee was Desirée Sparre-Enger a well-known Traditional Bubblegum dance artist from Norway. Bambee's music is well-known by fans of Dance Dance Revolution (DDR), in which many of her biggest hits were regularly used. Some of her most famous songs are Bumble Bee, Spaceman, Online, Typical Tropical, and her very first single Candy Girl.
Name Origin
Desirée chose the name "Bambee" as a reference to her eyes, as people often told her they are comparable to the eyes of "Bambi" from Disney's famous animated film. Originally, Desirée had considered using the name Bambi but changed the spelling to avoid right issues.
History / Brief Biography
Desirée discovered the wonderment of pop music at the age of two, and has kept the style and glamour of the pop-beat till today. All through her school years, Desirée frequently initiated pupils』 performances with herself in the leading parts. Desirée performed in such musicals as The Sound Of Music and Les Miserables, and her talent as a performer continued to grow.
Place this simple 'badge' on your Web page or blog to declare your support of Bambee!
Desirée was working for the youth department in a national radio station when she first reached out for stardom. One day, a procer asked her if she wanted to sing the chorus for a song. Grabbing the opportunity, 「Candy Girl」 became the result. She decided to release the song as a single and signed on to Scandinavian Records. Now she needed a name. She got in touch with her good friend and singer, Shortcut, and they had a name brain-storming for Desirée. The first thing to strike his mind was Bambi. She made him think of Disney's famous deer animal character, because of her big, blue, innocent eyes. Des loved the idea of Bambi, but made a small change to Bambee, because of Disney's right laws.
Bambee appeared on the cover of SLITZ magazine. Please email me if you have any information on the article.
It was a huge and daring step for Desirée to take the plunge as Bambee, but she hasn't regretted it since. She probably had to fight harder than anyone to enter the play lists; expecting special treatment or any other benefit from her position would overrate her power - and underestimate the integrity of the radio jockeys. Supported by public demand, she traveled to major cities, and performed in small clubs all over Norway and Scandinavia. She was a part of a cross-country festival tour, arranged by national media and broadcast live on TV. She also starred in the Radio 1 Big City event and was invited to host the prestigious Radio 1 Music Awards show.
The lack of limits had become one of Bambee's most powerful forces. She was confident in her career, proud of her appearance, and happy with the success she had achieved. Equally important is the touch of self-irony that allows Bambee to keep the artist in her, out of her private life. Sometimes it is necessary to separate the two, but a brief glance into her wardrobe (similar to the costume stock at any major theatre) makes you doubt her efforts to keep them apart. Either way, she is a creative and charming personality - neat, sweet and talented. She loves to play TV-games in her spare time and she is very keen when she is playing. It happens so often that she plays till late night. Her favourite game is Resident Evil.
[Credit for the information above goes to Angela Liu.]
In The End
The rare cover of the Typical Tropical promo single, click to enlarge.
Linnea Handberg, also known as Miss Papaya, is the secret artist behind Bambee. Together with Honeycutt and Left Hand Proctions, Linnea wrote all of Bambee's songs, including the number one hits "Bumble Bee" and "Spaceman".
A third album for Bambee was planned, and Linnea had even written a number of demos for the album. However, by this time Linnea was growing tired of being 'cheesy' and decided to move on from writing bubblegum dance styled music. She no longer had the interest in bubblegum music that she did in 1998, and she felt that the world would mature and bubblegum would eventually move out of the spotlight. She began working on a solo career as a pop singer.
As a consequence, both the Bambee and Miss Papaya projects were abandoned, and since 2001, no new material has been released by Bambee.
Song Previews
Below are a collection of 45 second previews of Bambee's songs.
"Amigo" (45 second .mp3 preview):
"Bumble Bee" (45 second .mp3 preview):
"Cowgirl" (45 second .mp3 preview):
"Il Ritmo Dell' Amore" (45 second .mp3 preview):
"Typical Tropical" (45 second .mp3 preview):
Silly Rumours
There are various silly rumours floating about that say Bambee was born in a cowshed on the Norwegian countryside. Another rumour says she grew up in a handbag, which, even though she is little, is just plain ridiculous. Another rumour says she spent her childhood on a tiny Pacific island.
Musical Style
Bambee's musical style is considered Traditional Bubblegum dance. Others may describe her music as "pure and simple pop songs". Her first album release, On Ice, established her as a baby-voiced singer with the eyes of a fallow deer. The album went straight to the sales and airplay charts in Scandinavia, followed by impressive success in the Asian, Russia, the Middle East, and the South American markets. Some media representatives drew parallels to Aqua, who dominated the international charts at the time. Bambee released her second full-length album, Fairytales, in June of 2001.
Below is a complete list of albums and singles released by Bambee. if we have missed something that you know about please feel free to contact us and we will add it to this page.
On Ice (Released December 1999)
Description: On Ice, Bambee's debut album, was released in 1999. The album contains a number of successful singles, including Bam Bam Bam, Typical Tropical, Baby Baby, and the well-known Bumble Bee.
1.Typical Tropical (3:03)
2.Supermodel (3:18)
3.Amigo (3:28)
4.Wham Bam Boogie (3:21)
5.Let The Sun Shine In (3:02)
6.Bumble Bee (3:15)
7.You Are My Dream (3:37)
8.Bam Bam Bam (3:09)
9.Baby Baby (3:13)
10.El Ritmo Dell' Amore (3:27)
11.Candy Girl (Y2K Edit) (4:02)
Fairytales (Released 2001) (Japan)
Description: Fairytales, Bambee's second album, was released in 2001. The album contains a number of successful songs, including Cowgirl (previously by QT) , Spaceman, Online, and Dr. Doolittle.
2.Dr. Doolittle
3.17 (Seventeen)
5.Red, Yellow, Green And Blue
7.Do It Like You Do
8.Watch Out
10.Caribbean Blue
Bonus Tracks
(Japanese Version of album)
12.Boom Digi Da
13.I Wanna Be Wild
•Candy Girl (1997)
•Bam Bam Bam (1998)
•Bumble Bee (Promo 12" Vinyl/Japan)
•Typical Tropical (1999)
•You Are My Dream (1999)
•Seventeen (2001)
•Cowgirl (2001)
•Watch Out (2001)
❻ 歐洲電視歌唱大賽瑞典女歌手奪冠叫什麼名字
❼ 有那些瑞典歌星或組合嗎 能介紹幾個嗎
Roxette來自國際流行音樂重鎮瑞典,由男成員Per Gessle和女成員Marie Fredriksson組成。詞曲作者、主唱、吉他手per 1959年1月生於瑞典南部的哈爾姆斯塔德市,女歌手marie 1958年5月30日生於瑞典的阿爾沃斯塔市。per從七歲起就開始著迷於The Beatles、貓王Elvis Presley的音樂,17歲開始學習吉他,不久組成了他的第一個樂隊Graperock,1980年,per另組Gyllene Tider樂隊,一曲「Flickorna Pa TV2"使他在瑞典初獲成功。marie在加入Roxette之前便是瑞典一位頗有名氣的女歌手,在1986年以前推出過3張個人專輯。 per和marie1978年相識於哈爾姆斯塔德市的一家搖滾俱樂部,倆人都愛好美國60年代的搖滾樂。1986年,他們正式走到了一起,組建了Roxette!同年,Roxette的首張專輯〈Pearls Of Passion〉推出後在瑞典一炮而紅,「joy of a toy」、「 soul deep」、「surrender」、「goodbye to you」、「so far away」等均成為當年瑞典的熱門歌曲。1987年聖誕期間,Roxette推出了新單曲唱片「It must have been love"(X'mas for the brokenhearted),此曲後來收入全球熱門影片〈Pretty Woman〉(風月俏佳人)的電影原聲專輯中,是Roxette最成功的作品。 為了取得更大的發展,他們決定用英文演唱,走出瑞典,走向世界。 1989年,Roxette在EMI旗下推出了〈Look sharp〉專輯,迅速在世界各地走紅。「the look」、「listen to your heart」帶著悅耳動聽的旋律和激動人心的節奏傳遍了世界,也傳入了我們的耳中。「the look」奇跡般的成為19個國家流行榜的冠軍歌曲,譚詠麟還將這首歌重新填詞改變為「你知我知」在港台演唱。 1991年,在〈look sharp〉的余熱尚未散盡的時候,Roxette又擲出了一顆重磅炸彈〈joyride〉!標題曲「joyride」奔放流暢,「church of your heart」、「things will never be the same」都是我非常喜歡的歌曲。
❽ 歐洲女歌手
前面幾位親說的基本都是美洲的啊……Avril我也很喜歡,但如果美國的也可以我推薦Carrie Underwood喲-w-
歐洲的話,還要80後……我個人最喜歡的是Lene Marlin. 挪威的女歌手.
A Place Nearby
Another Day
Still Here
Unforgivable Sinner
Come Home
還有一個也是挪威的,不過不是80後.叫Sissel Kyrkjebo.
聲音很好聽,力推Should It Matter.
我個人很愛的還有德國女歌手Sarah Connor. 80年的.
Living To Love You
From Sarah With Love
Wait Till You Hear From Me
The Best Side Of Life
Christmas In My Heart
另外再推薦一首Nanne Gronvall的håll om mig nu,英文寫法是Hold me now.
Nanne Gronvall是瑞典女歌手,在國內也不太知名,這首歌也是瑞典語的,可能不太好下,你可以去聽聽,想下載的話可以再聯系我w.
❾ 瑞典女歌手有哪些
Emilia就是唱Big Big World的那個,其他的幾乎沒有國際知名度。
❿ 求推薦好聽的 瑞典歌手的歌
Darin Zanyar(達林·來贊雅)自——
Can't Stop Love
Be What You Wanna Be
Everything But The Girl