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① 北京大學是世界上最著名的大學之一英語


② 世界著名大學的英語名字

1 Harvard Univ USA 美國哈佛大學
2 Stanford Univ USA 美國斯坦福大學
3 Univ Cambridge UK 英國劍橋大學
4 Univ California - Berkeley 美國加州大學伯克利分校
5 Massachusetts Inst Tech (MIT) USA 美國麻省理工學院
6 California Inst Tech USA 美國加州理工學院
7 Princeton Univ USA 美國普林斯頓大學
8 Univ Oxford UK 英國牛津大學
9 Columbia Univ USA 美國哥倫比亞大學
10 Univ Chicago USA 美國芝加哥大學
11 Yale Univ USA 美國耶魯大學
12 Cornell Univ USA 美國康奈爾大學
13 Univ California - San Diego USA 美國加州大學聖地亞哥分校
14 Tokyo Univ Japan 日本東京大學
15 Univ Pennsylvania USA 美國賓夕法尼亞大學
16 Univ California - Los Angeles USA 美國加州大學洛杉磯分校
17 Univ California - San Francisco USA 美國加州大學

③ 中國最著名的四所大學用英語怎麼說

the four of the most famous universities in China
the four best-known universities in China

④ 像清華北大等著名大學 用英語翻譯

清華:Tsinghua University
北大:Beijing University

⑤ 著名大學介紹(全英文介紹)


⑥ 世界著名的大學英文名稱是什麼

1、哈佛大學英文名稱:Harvard University。

哈佛大學(Harvard University),簡稱「哈佛」,坐落於美國馬薩諸塞州波士頓都市區劍橋市,是一所享譽世界的私立研究型大學,是著名的常春藤盟校成員。其在文學、醫學、法學、商學等多個領域擁有崇高的學術地位及廣泛的影響力,被公認為是當今世界最頂尖的高等教育機構之一。

2、劍橋大學英文名稱:University of Cambridge。

劍橋大學(University of Cambridge;勛銜:Cantab),坐落於英國劍橋,是一所世界著名的公立研究型大學,採用書院聯邦制,與牛津大學、倫敦大學學院、帝國理工學院、倫敦政治經濟學院同屬「G5超級精英大學」。劍橋大學是英語世界中第二古老的大學,前身是一個於1209年成立的學者協會。

3、斯坦福大學英文名稱:Stanford University

斯坦福大學(Stanford University),全名小利蘭·斯坦福大學(Leland Stanford Junior University),簡稱「斯坦福(Stanford)」,位於美國加州舊金山灣區南部的帕羅奧多市(Palo Alto)境內,臨近世界著名高科技園區矽谷,是世界著名的私立研究型大學。

4、牛津大學英文名稱:University of Oxford。

牛津大學(University of Oxford),簡稱「牛津(Oxford)」,位於英國牛津,是一所譽滿世界的公立研究型大學,採用書院聯邦制,與劍橋大學並稱「牛劍」,並且與劍橋大學、倫敦大學學院、帝國理工學院、倫敦政治經濟學院同屬「G5超級精英大學」。

5、帝國理工學院英文名稱:Imperial College London。

帝國理工學院(Imperial College London),1907年建立於英國倫敦,是一所主攻理學、工學、醫學和商學的世界頂尖公立研究型大學。帝國理工學院在國際學術界有著頂級聲望,是世界最具創新力大學之一,在各類權威榜單中排名穩居世界前十。

⑦ 急需一篇介紹一所著名大學的英語文章



Harvard University (incorporated as The President and Fellows of Harvard College) is a private university in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Founded in 1636, Harvard is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. Harvard consistently ranks among the best universities in the world.

The institution was named Harvard College on March 13, 1639, after its first principal donor, a young clergyman named John Harvard. A graate of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, John Harvard bequeathed about four hundred books in his will to form the basis of the college library collection, along with half his personal wealth worth several hundred pounds. The earliest known official reference to Harvard as a "university" rather than a "college" occurred in the new Massachusetts Constitution of 1780.

In his 1869-1909 tenure as Harvard president, Charles William Eliot radically transformed Harvard into the pattern of the modern research university. Eliot's reforms included elective courses, small classes, and entrance examinations. The Harvard model influenced American ecation nationally, at both college and secondary levels.

In 1999, Radcliffe College, initially founded as the "Harvard Annex" for women, merged formally with Harvard University, becoming the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study.

Harvard has the world's fourth largest library collection (after the British Library, the Library of Congress, and the French Bibliothèque Nationale), and the largest financial endowment of any academic institution, standing at $29.2 billion as of 2006 (which is also the second largest endowment for a non-profit organization, behind only the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation).


Harvard University is a private university in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA and a member of the Ivy League. Harvard was founded on September 8, 1636.

Seven Presidents of the United States have graated from Harvard schools and colleges.

Harvard is located on the Charles River. Some students go to the Charles River for rowing. One the other side of the Charles River is the city of Boston. Boston's subway system, called the "T" has a stop in Harvard Square. The Harvard Business School and the Harvard Medical School are both located on the other side of the Charles River in Boston. They are not in Cambridge. Harvard College, School of Public Health, Harvard Graate School of Ecation, Harvard Extension School, Harvard Law School and some of the other schools are all in Cambridge. Together, these schools are Harvard University.

The school color is crimson which is a dark red color.

Harvard has many libraries like Widener Library. There are other facilities like skating rinks and the Malkin Athletic Center where students can swim and exercise.

Another famous school close to Harvard in Cambridge, Massachusetts is MIT, or the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Harvard's president is Lawrence Summers. Mr. Summers has been a controversial president because of his opinions and style of leadership and management. In 2006, Mr. Summers told Harvard's students and professors that he will resign in the summer and no longer serve Harvard as president. Mr. Summers is an economist and used to be the US Secretary of the Treasury. Now Harvard has to find a new president.

⑧ 著名大學名稱翻譯,英語高手請進謝謝

哈佛抄大襲學是 Harvard University

麻省理工是 Massachusetts Institute of Technology

‎Sloan School of Management

⑨ 中國著名大學的英文名是什麼世界著名大學的呢

Tsinghua University
Beijing University
Zhejiang University

Stanford University
Harvard University
Oxford University

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