❶ 圈扣是什麼意思啊
❷ 2015扣字手新秀排行
NO.1 扣字手樂小陽 對話挺猛,速度1-3,項目也是接的起,改過很多名字,帶過很多的組織,猛虎組織帶頭人,朱媛媛猛徒之一.
NO.2 扣字手林嘯 對話與樓上差不多,也挺猛,項目可接,為人高冷,有點瞧不起人,帶過很多出名組織,很有實力的一位扣字手.
NO.3 扣字手顧語 今天話題特別多,速度也是非常不錯 創建了神話,mars等出名的組織,討論組的王者,圈子挺大的扣字手
NO.4 扣字手常久 退網兩年重新復出. 女扣字手中不錯的選手,滾刀王穩1 .對話穩2的速度,項目不清楚,這一年挺出名的,圈子太大.現帶頭病女新秀小組織
NO.5 扣字手莫升 對話2-3的速度,滾刀也挺牛逼,師門不詳,圈大挺好相處,也帶過很多組織,不過處對象太泛濫,每個群都有見她發廣告.
NO.6 扣字手雲冷 滾刀那是一個牛逼,用東北話說就是杠杠的,圈子挺大也是人人喊打,前幾天跟花小冷打的熱火朝天,師傅溫辰.
NO.7 扣字手女紀 對話2-3的速度,滾刀也可以.速度不錯的女選手,圈子挺大的女孩,
NO.8 扣字手夏琳 速度還是不錯,但很多人說是sg設置,人人喊打,聽說被朱媛媛和劉萄打退網,最近又出來好像是改名了,
NO.9 扣字手蘇晨 對話不錯的速度,但很多人說是軟體,語奕的徒弟,其餘不詳.
❸ 滾刀組蘇塵盤點扣圈敗類
❹ 電影,情節是100來個人突然進到一個地方,只能向前走,踩到草就會死,被扣圈也會死,最後只有一個瘸子
❺ 扣圈手機扣字排名前三是
第三名 宋御 扣圈知名女扣手 詞彙獨具一格 風格華麗
第二 隨風 扣圈的一股清版流 碾壓式手機打法權 思維纏繞能力驚人 速度快
第一 橙子 只打對話和嘮嗑諷刺為人風格打法狠毒, 不接任何馿打滾的單子 ,對話速度驚人 思維反駁句句纏繞 被稱之為 "那個男人",此人獨創大打狗式風格被扣圈大多手機選手模仿。
❻ 扣圈江文是軟體么
❼ 女生送女主鑰匙扣圈什麼意思
❽ 你對古風圈最失望的一件事是什麼
❾ 幾個橡膠機械零部件的專有名詞翻譯
Gurirab right circle and dection of oil pressure:
Right circle and filibustering dection for high-voltage supply:
I motor oil spills oil
Gurirab dection right circle and back to the oil-Low Voltage
Dection laps left with pumps and other electromagnetic Pressure Regulating Valve
Gurirab dection left circle and Electromagnetic Pump Used Pressure Regulating Valve
Spreading Rotary Positioning sales for the telescopic
Spreading of advance and retreat for the positioning pin telescopic
Spreading Rotary pin extendable Speed
Spreading-pack of motor oil for the telescopic
Spreading-pack-stretching speed motor oil
Spreading-pack of motor oil decompression
Spreading Rotary pin--
Spreading-pack of motor oil
Spreading Rotary pin
Spreading the fuel tank of advance and retreat pin
Spreading of advance and retreat pin Speed
Delayed clamping stop regulating mobile fuel tanks
Telescopic dection for the fuel tank to the ring
Gripper for mobile fuel tanks stretching to the governor
Speed dection ring stretching fuel tank
Locking clip mobile fuel tanks
Mobile fuel tank vacuum gripper
Gripper mobile fuel tanks
Fuel tank vacuum left circle dection adjustment
Dection laps left fuel tank
Holding out slow rapid mobile switching fuel tanks
Mobile oil tanks rapid clip slow adjustment switching delay
8.3 Right capsule; left circle and dection of advance and retreat filibustering the fuel tank valve control station layout
Stop filibustering delay adjustment for fuel tanks
Gurirab extendable fuel tanks for Speed:
Locking fuel tanks for filibustering:
Fixed-fuel tanks for filibustering
Withholding the fuel tank of the right circle decompression
Gurirab for the expansion of the fuel tank
Gurirab fuel tanks for extended slow rapid switch:
Gurirab fuel tanks for speed:
Switching delay adjustment:
Gurirab fuel tanks for rapid switching delay slow adjustment
I then pumping station high voltage supply:
High-pressure oil pumping station back then I