⑴ 求英文保證書,急急急
⑵ 英文保證書
dear customers:
We are so sorry about the problems which we make.
This two are new instrumentation console,we guarantee we will never make any mistake anymore.
⑶ 寫一封英文保證書
Respect for teachers, I wrote to you with a sense of guilt that I skipped classes yesterday. I didn't listen and remember well the attention of school notebooks. So I wrote to you to ask for your forgiveness. I promise that such kind of thing won't be happen again. I really realize my own mistake. Please trust me and give me a chance. I will study hard from now on. Just see my actions.
同學 改正錯誤還是要虛心滴 逃課可不好呀~~~
⑷ 英語課保證書
1. 按時到校,不遲到,不早退,不曠課。
2. 上課專心聽講,做好筆記,不隨便說話,不傳紙條、不吃零食、不開手機,積極參加討論,勇於發表見解。
3. 認真預習、復習,主動學習,按時完成作業,考試不作弊。
4. 穿戴整潔,樸素大方,不燙發、染發、不化妝,不佩戴首飾,男生不留長發,女生不穿高跟鞋。
5. 講究衛生,養成良好衛生習慣。不隨便吃、丟泡泡糖,不隨地吐痰,不亂扔廢棄物。不亂塗畫桌椅。愛護公物,損壞東西要賠償。
6. 認真值日,保持教室、校園整潔優美。不在教室和校園內追逐打鬧喧嘩,維護學校良好秩序。
7. 遵守網路道德和安全規定,不進入營業性網吧。
8. 珍愛生命,不吸煙,不喝酒,拒絕毒品。
9. 尊重教職工,見面問好,回答師長問話要起立,給老師提意見要誠懇。
10 、誠實守信,言行一致。不說慌,不騙人,不弄虛作假,知錯就改。
⑸ 英語不達標保證書400字
敬愛的 老師:
您好!這次英語考試沒能得A,我感到非常的遺憾!我辜負了您對我的信任。我覺得對不起老師和父母,也對不起自己。我認真反思了過去一段時間的英語學習情況,分析並認識到了自己的不足,我認為是自己在思想上不夠認真重視的原因。因此,我決定從現在起我應認真學習英語。現在我向您保證如下:上課認真聽講,做好課前預習、課後復習,及時完成作業並做好訂正。認真對待每一場考試。爭取在短時間內把所缺的知識補上,讓自己重新回到A 的隊列中來。
⑹ 英語保證書
My dear teacher,
I'm sorry for my mistake. I promise you I won't be late again, eat meal and use the phone when the class is on. Please trust me.
⑺ 英語保證書40詞
I am very very sorry for what I did ring the class.I did not behave well,I was not quiet,and my classmates were affected by me.I want to say I am deeply sorry to them,including my teacher.Without a good order in the class,it is impossible to focus on what the teacher is saying and what we need to learn.It is also a disrepect to others.I am a student,I really love learning.Everyone makes a mistake,no one is an exception.I made a mistake today,but I want to correct it.Please give me another chance,let me show you that I am a really good student in the future.Thanks.
⑻ 英語保證書怎麼寫
Dear Sir,
I am very sorry I made a mistake. I know what it means to others. I promise I will never do that again.
⑼ 用英語寫保證書
敬愛的Miss Zhon
本來上課應該注意聽講記好筆記,下課鑽研問題的勤奮精神.而我學習不認真的態度真是讓我感到慚愧!我對學習覺悟不深.在寫檢討書的同時,我真正意識到了我的缺點,錯誤.再次,我這種行為還在學校同學間造成了及其壞的影響,破壞了學校的形象。同學之間本應該互相學習,互相促進,而我這種表現,給同學們帶了一個壞頭,不利於學校和院系的學風建設 老師是非常的關心我們,愛護我們,所以我今後要聽老師的話,充分領會理解老師對我們的要求,並保證不會在有類似的事情發生.望老師給我改過自新的機會.老師是希望我們成為社會的棟梁,通過這件事情我深刻的感受到老師對我們那種恨鐵不成鋼的心情,使我心理感到非常的愧疚,我太感謝老師對我的這次深刻的教育。
年 月 日
Dear miss zhon
I failed to live up to the expectations of parents, the teacher's teaching, the cultivation of the school.
Originally should pay attention to listening in class take good notes, class to study diligently. But I study not serious attitude really let me feel ashamed! My consciousness in learning is not deep. When writing the written self criticism at the same time, I really aware of my faults, mistakes. Once again, I was at school this behavior caused and its bad effect between classmates, damage the image of the school. Between students should learn from each other, promote each other, and this behavior, I brought the students a bad head, is not concive to schools and departments of construction of style of study The teacher is very concerned about our, take good care of us, so I want to listen to the teacher in the future, for us to fully understand the teacher's request, and confirmed
⑽ 英語保證書怎麼寫500字的
Respect teacher, dear schoolmates: after the class teacher is endlessly intolerant of their trouble and lingering sentiments bitter division heart enlightened lesson, after mom and dad kept circadian restless spirit and substance of the double act tough and talk Soft lure stimulation and sticks pressure, through the revolution of traditional light into the light of the long-term study, I deep deepen and moment to realize own everyone considers the existence and possible all shortcomings, relentless determination decides to raise understanding to unite a thought to recognize form ( potential) place seat to repent thoroughly of one's misdeeds and strive to progress, be a party and people love a good student. This, according to the teacher repeatedly insisted ( invited ) speech, according to volume are accumulated to obtain qualitative mutation theory step by step process to correct the shortcomings of truth, I through more than 100 days, complex and intense ideological struggle, tenacious perseverance to overcome tremendous difficulties, make an unimaginable sacrifices, especially to teachers and students to make a verbal written with double insurance tyranny 20 are as follows: 1, the only in the school toilets smoking. Just outside the school to meet the president of cigarettes. 2 per week, to Internet cafes overnight Internet times rapidly decreased from 7 days to 5 days, the weekend to let their body full of rest and relaxation. 3, ensure access only to artistic eye view 4, ensure the future of Internet to open when the QQ was reced from 8 to 4, the net friend QQ a week reced from 500 down 300 people. In 5, the class teacher never sleep. Sleep no longer deskmate girls leg pillow. 6, ensure the weekly school from 6 times irremediable reced to no more than 3 times, each time the absenteeism has reason to believe that the teacher. 7, ensure that every day to ensure that each bag, book the first 20 page is no longer the new. Ensure the operation even if the money to hire someone to do also have to pay. 8, the teacher on the podium the embarrassing, assure to clap applause for her shrill whistle. 9, ensure that only in the school after Nara's girlfriend's hand 10, to my surprise when the girls, to ensure more lovely caterpillars instead of conventional mice scorpion cockroaches. In 11, ring exercise activity fist, actively go out of the classroom, to campus trees instead of classroom desks and chairs. 12, do not maintain the class interests do not maintain the class does not represent the class head, ensure compliance with outside class the students fight. Similarly, do not maintain the interest maintenance school girls don't represent the school head, not with school students fight. 13, clean the task does not leave, firmly hire students to finish. 14, examination not to kick front schoolmate ankle arch behind students table for note, could to their own eyesight. Strive for first day pass 3 above the door. In 15, was made to stand the corridor be charming, guarantee not to harass adjacent class girls, not in the corridor to sing love songs. 16, guarantee not to threaten and fought the boyfriend way after girls. Cabaret lady not to take to school let the teacher know. In 17, a roll call for no classmate shout, keep the classroom with the teacher talk back, more to avoid the teacher cry. 18, take up station tail, mimicking the front similar rate of more than 50% students. Games no classmates not take another's place by counterfeiting, ensure to take another's place by counterfeiting acceptance behavior. In 19, the school must say dirty words, to ensure the * * to replace some uncivilized words or phrases. 20, guarantee not to young female teacher write a love letter, send transparent silk stockings. Don't pretend to consult to sece the old teacher's daughter. Thanks for your support and encouragement give me warm applause, I do all of the above will require perseverance guarantee requires physical and mental acuteness labour pains tribulations and 100 times pain painstaking efforts, it may be said is nausea Li blood changes ( Lek ), very hard, really need the teacher and the students is encouraged ceaselessly and in support of. I solemnly promise, please to me more than I guarantee supervision, work myself to death depressed die to ensure completely, if violated, we automatically forfeit.
我在之前的學校不好好認真學習但是我還是很想好好學習的學習對我來是最重要的對今後的生存就業都是很重要的我現在才很小 我還有去拼搏的能力。我還想在拼一次在去努力一次希望老師給予我一個做好學生的一個機會我會好好改過的認認真真的去學習 那樣的生活充實這樣在家也很耽誤課程學校的課程本來就很緊學起來就很費勁在今後的學習生活中我一定會好好學習各課都努力往上趕 我犯了很多不應該犯的錯誤對於家長對於我的期望也是一種巨大的打擊家長辛辛苦苦掙錢讓我們可以生活的比別人優越一些好一些讓我們可以全身心的投入到學習中去。但是我犯的錯誤卻違背了家長的心願也是對家長心血的一種否定我對此很慚愧。 相信老師看到我這個態度也可以知道我對這次事件有很深刻的悔過態度相信我的悔過之心我的行為不是向老師的紀律進行挑戰是自己的一時失足希望老師可以原諒我的錯誤我也會向你保證以前不該做的事不會再有第二次發生。 對於這一切我還將進一步深入總結深刻反省懇請老師相信我能夠記取教訓、改正錯誤把今後的事情加倍努力干好。同時也真誠地希望老師能繼續關心和支持我對我的問題酌情處理。 以後我決定製定以下學習方法 1.合理安排好學習時間。 每天回家先把當天的作業完成再利用剩下的時間預習、復習。而且要充分利用零星時間。零星時間積少成多集合起來就是寶貴的整段時間。在學校要安排好自習課時間。不能把完成作業作為自己自習課上的唯一任務。在還沒有真正弄懂所學知識時不急於做作業。 2.要注重預習和復習。 每次預習不用太多一節內容即可。通過預習找到暫時無法理解的問題待老師講過後看看是否已經被解決。否則就向老師請教。除了預習還要做好復習。每節課後利用一兩分鍾的時間快速回憶課堂上老師所講的主要內容每天中午利用半個小時的時間回憶上午所學幾門課程的主要內容到了晚上把一天所學知識內容都復習一遍。周末把一周所學知識復習一遍。 3.注意課堂聽講效率。 在預習的基礎上課上專心聽講不開小差沿著老師的思路認真地聽講、思考、領會全面正確地理解和把握所學內容。並且做好筆記。尤其是老師反復強調的、相似知識的對比、課文內容與現實相聯系的知識點、分散知識的歸納綜合等等都好筆記。 無論怎樣不能把自己所指定的目標計劃當作一句空話。我要踏踏實實持之以恆地向著自己的目標前進。 希望校長可以再給我一次改正的機會給我一次重新做人的機會。 謝謝。
Dear headmaster:
In my last school does not make a serious study but I still want to study hard for the learning to me is the most important for future survival employment is very important now I very small I have to fight the ability. I want to fight a in to a hope the teacher give me a good student a chance I will turn over conscientiously to learn that enrich the lives of do at home is also delay the course school curriculum was very tight itbecomes very hard learn in life in the future I will study hard each course all efforts to catch I made many should not mistake for parents expectation to me is a huge blow parents worked so hard to so that we can live better than others some superior let we can wholeheartedly into the work. But my mistakes but against the parents wish is a negation to parents. I am ashamed. Believe that the teacher to see me in this manner may also know I'm a very profound repentant attitude believe I repented the heart my behavior is not to the teacher's discipline challenges is own to fall hope teacher can forgive my mistake I promise you didn't do. No second place. For all this I will also further in-depth summary deep introspection urge teachers believe that I can learn, correct the mistakes to redouble their efforts to do things in the future. Also sincerely hope that teachers can continue to care for and support to my question I discretion. I decided to make the following learning method in 1 to arrange their study. Go home every day to day operations performed by the rest of the time preview, review. But should make full use of odd time. Many a little make a mickle. Sporadic time together is precious of the time. In the school should arrange good time of self-study class. Unable to complete operation as their sole task of self-study class. In has not really understand the knowledge is not eager to do homework. 2 need to pay great attention to preview and review. Each preview without too much section content. Through prep find temporarily can not understand the problem until after the teacher have a look whether has been solved. Otherwise will ask the teacher for advice. In addition to prepare also do a good job of review. Each class use one or two minutes quick recall the classroom teacher's main content in every day at noon use half an hour at the memories of some of the courses and the main contents in the day at night the knowledge content review. The weekend of the week the knowledge review. 3 classroom listening efficiency. On the basis of them class attentively not wander along the train of thought teacher listen carefully, think, understand to correctly understand and grasp the learning content. And do note. Especially the teacher repeated emphasis, contrast, similar knowledge text content and the reality of knowledge points, dispersed knowledge generalizations are good notes. No matter how cannot bring himself to the specified target plan as an empty phrase. I want to do persevere toward your goals. We hope that the president would give me an opportunity to correct give me one more chance to live again. Thank you.
Review : XXX