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1. 低雜訊放大器LNA的論文中的CMOS管的參數,為什麼只提及工藝尺寸,比如0.18微米什麼意思啊怎麼模擬


2. LNA的最小雜訊匹配和功率匹配怎麼做

雜訊匹配 就是匹配管子的最佳遠源射系數功率匹配 是最大匹配 輸入輸出 的共軛匹配只是探討 哈哈

3. LNA前端,什麼是LNA前端

靠近線部射頻前端包括發射通路接收通路 發射通路東西功率放、濾波類 般講比較接收通路包括低雜訊放器(LNA)、濾波器等器件包括增益、靈敏度、射頻接收帶寬等指標要根據產品特點進行設計

4. 請教設計LNA時的問題

ATF54143做近兩個倍頻程的帶寬比較難吧,平坦度很難均衡,推薦用NEC的相關Low Noise的管子,就是要正負電壓,這個比較煩人。1~3GHz的話,你可以選擇Murata的電容和Coilcraft的電感,一般用10~100pF,47nH左右的都可以,影響不會很大的,盡量選擇0402封裝的。祝LZ好運,如果在ATF54143上有所突破的話,也可以拿出來分享下,呵呵

5. 路由器pa晶元和lna晶元和fem什麼區別



1、pa晶元:第一款晶元的型號為PA-8000,主頻為180MHz,後來陸續推出PA—8200、PA- 8500和PA-8600等型號。




2、lna晶元:單晶元高速 USB 2.0轉 10/100 乙太網控制器 集成支持全雙工的 10/100 乙太網 MAC 集成支持 HP Auto-MDIX 的 10/100 MAC/PHY 集成 USB 2.0 高速設備控制器。



2、lna晶元:低功耗模式 11 個 GPIO 支持匯流排供電和自供電工作模式 集成通電復位電路 外置 3.3v I/O 電源 內置 1.8v 核心電源調節器。

6. 在lna的設計中,晶體管的模型重要嗎




7. 請問功率放大器&LNA&寬頻放大器的區別是什麼


8. 如何改善LNA(低雜訊放大器)的增益和雜訊平坦度

  1. 這種管子就是這樣的,增益隨頻率上升而下降,從圖上看,你的增益變化是合理的。

  2. ATF54143不適合工作在6GHz以上,所以你的ADS管子模型在6GHz以上可能不準確的,10GHz附近的誤差可能是模型造成的,可聯系Avago確認。

  3. 要提高增益平坦度,可嘗試反饋電路。要提高雜訊系數,可從優化輸入匹配網路入手。

  4. 綜上,如果想設計3.1-10.6GHz的LNA,建議換管子。

9. 請教:GPS的LNA\SAW選型都得注意哪些


10. 低噪放設計

從天線接收的微弱信號由處於射頻接收機前端的放大器進行放大,因此要求該放大器具有一定的增益和較小的雜訊系數。 本文藉助Agilent公司的射頻電路設計軟體ADS(Advanced Design System)進行輔助設計一款高增益低雜訊放大器(LNA),並對其進行了模擬驗證。1 射頻放大器的組成 單級射頻放大器的組成如圖1所示,包括射頻晶體管放大電路和輸入、輸出匹配網路三部分。2 射頻放大器的設計2.1 晶體管的選擇 選擇好晶體管器件對低雜訊放大器的設計至關重要。 根據工作頻率、增益和雜訊系數等指標要求,同時考慮到設計、模擬時便於得到相應的元器件模型,最終選用Avago公司的高電子遷移率晶體管(E-PHEMT)ATF-58143來進行設計(可以在Avago公司的網站上下載到ATF-58143的元件模型)。2.2 偏置電路的設計 設計LNA首先需要確定靜態工作點,利用ADS中的「DC_FET_T」的模板可以很方便地模擬出其輸出特性曲線。再參考ATF-58143的datash eet,可以確定當Vds=3 V,Ids=35 mA時,各項設計指標滿足要求。 確定靜態工作點後,就要確定偏置電路的形式和參數。不需人工計算,藉助ADS中的設計向導工具(DesignGuide→Amplifier→Tools→ Transistor Bias Utility)可以輕易完成。因為ADS所提供的元件數值是非標稱的,所以需要設計者用與ADS提供的數值接近的標稱元件進行替代。偏置電路及各點靜態參數如圖2所示。2.3 穩定性分析及改善 晶體管絕對穩定的條件是K>1,|△|<1。其中: 如果這兩個條件不能同時得到滿足,電路將存在潛在的不穩定和振盪的可能。對上述偏置條件下的晶體管進行穩定性模擬分析發現,在要求的工作頻段內其穩定系數K<1,不滿足絕對穩定的條件。 通過引入負反饋的方式可以改善電路的穩定性,同時也能夠拓展工作帶寬。在輸出端和輸入端之間串聯RC電路引入負反饋,其中的R需要滿足條件: 同時在兩個源極加上小的電感引入負反饋進一步改善穩定性,該電感的值需反復調節後方能確定。 對引入負反饋後的電路再次模擬,其工作頻帶內穩定系數K>1,滿足絕對穩定條件。2.4 最小雜訊系數的輸入匹配電路設計,最大增益的輸出匹配電路設計 如果輸入匹配電路和輸出匹配電路使射頻器件的輸入阻抗Zin和輸出阻抗Zout都轉換到標准系統阻抗Zo,即Zin=Zo,Zout=Zo(或,如圖1所示)就可使器件的傳輸增益最高。但輸入、輸出匹配時,雜訊並非最佳。當ΓS=Γopt時,可以得最小的雜訊系數。 利用ADS可以很方便地繪制出等功率增益圓和等雜訊系數圓,如圖3所示。從圖中可以看出,如果從m2點匹配到標准系統阻抗,將可以使電路獲得最大的增益;如果從m3點匹配到標准系統阻抗,將可獲得最小的雜訊系數。顯然最大增益和最小雜訊系數不可同時得到。對於低雜訊放大器,首要的是考慮最小雜訊系數,因此對m3點進行匹配。借用ADS的自帶工具「Smith Chart Utility Tool」進行,只要在其中設置好頻率、源阻抗和目標阻抗值,就可以設計出所需要的輸入匹配電路。 在輸入端匹配完成以後,在原理圖中加入阻抗測量控制項測出輸出阻抗,再次使用「Smith Chart Utility Tool」將輸出阻抗匹配到標准系統阻抗,就可得到最大增益的輸出匹配電路。 當輸出端的匹配完成後,因為改變了從輸入端向里看的等效阻抗Zin,輸入端的回波損耗會變差。為此,可以採用優化控制項對輸入端和輸出端的匹配電路進行同時的優化改進,也可以使用Tunig工具進行調節。2.5 最終電路及模擬結果分析 匹配及優化後的電路如圖4所示,電路中各元件的作用分別是:C6、L6是輸入匹配電路;C7、L7是輸出匹配電路;L1、L5、C3、R5是反饋元件;L3、L4是扼流電感;C4、C5是隔直耦合電容;C1、C2是旁路電容。 需要說明的是,反饋電感L1、L5和匹配電路中的元件C6、L6、C7、L7等因為數值較小,在工程中常用微帶線來代替。 模擬結果如圖5所示。其工作帶寬達500 MHz,中心頻率處增益接近20 dB,輸入輸出反射損耗小於-10 dB,雜訊系數小於0.5 dB,穩定系數大於1。如果斷開反饋電路後再次模擬,會發現增益有所加大,但穩定系數將小於1,放大電路將不能正常工作。3 結論 通過射頻低雜訊放大器的設計與模擬,可以看到使用ADS輔助設計電路,理論計算簡單,設計過程快速,參數修改容易,驗證方便,縮短了設計周期,提高了設計精度,在工程中具有實用價值。

By a weak signal from the antenna in the rf receiver front-end amplifier amplification, therefore asked the amplifier gain and low noise factor.
In this paper, with the aid of Agilent ADS of rf circuit Design software (Advanced Design System) for aided Design a high gain and low noise amplifier (LNA), and the simulation verification.
1 the composition of the rf amplifier
Single stage composed of rf amplifier is shown in figure 1, including rf transistor amplifier circuit and the input and output matching network of three parts.
2 the design of the rf amplifier
2.1 the choice of the transistor
Good selection transistor components for the design of the low noise amplifier is very important.
According to the working frequency, gain and noise figure index requirements, at the same time when considering the design, the simulation is easy to get the corresponding components model, finally choose Avago company of high electron mobility transistor (PHEMT) E ATF - 58143 for design (can be downloaded on Avago company web site to the ATF components model - 58143).
2.2 the design of the bias circuit
Designing LNA first need to determine the static working point, the use of ADS "DC_FET_T" templates can be easily in the simulation of the output characteristic curve. Reference ATF - 58143 again datash eet, can be determined when the Vds = 3 V, Ids = 35 mA, the design indexes meet the requirements.
After determine the static working point, shall determine the form and the parameters of bias circuit. Do not need artificial calculation, with the aid of ADS in the design wizard tool (DesignGuide - Amplifier - > Tools - Transistor Bias, the Utility) can be done easily. Because the ADS provided by the component values are nominal, so designers need to use with the ADS provide alternative values close to the nominal elements. Bias circuit and some static parameters as shown in figure 2.
2.3 stability analysis and improvement
Transistor is K > 1, the absolute and stability of the | delta | < 1. Among them:
If the two conditions cannot be satisfied at the same time, there will be potential instability and oscillatory circuit. Transistor of the bias conditions stability simulation analysis found that the stability coefficient within the required working frequency band K < 1, can not meet the needs of absolute stability conditions.
By introcing feedback on ways to improve the stability of the circuit, but also can extend working bandwidth. Between the output and the input series RC circuit is introced into feedback, of which R need to meet the conditions:
In both the source and small inctance is introced into feedback to further improve the stability, the value of the inctance to repeatedly adjust the rear can be determined.
Introction of negative feedback circuit simulation again, within its working frequency stability factor K > 1, meet the absolute stability condition.
2.4 minimum noise factor input matching circuit is designed, the biggest gain of the output matching circuit design
If the input matching circuit and the output matching circuit of rf devices Zin the input impedance and output impedance Zout impedance Zo are transformed to the standard system, namely the Zin = Zo, Zout = Zo (or, as shown in figure 1) to make a device transport the highest gain. But when input and output matching, noise is not the best. When Γ S = Γ opt, could get the minimum noise figure.
ADS can be easily draw power gain and noise coefficient, as shown in figure 3. Can be seen from the diagram, if from m2 point impedance matching to the standard system, will be able to make the circuit gain maximum gain; If impedance matching to the standard system, from the m3 point will be minimal noise coefficient can be obtained. Obviously the biggest gain and the minimum noise figure cannot get at the same time. For low noise amplifier, the first is to consider the minimum noise figure, and so on m3 point matching. Use ADS bring tools "Smith Chart the Utility Tool", in which as long as the set frequency, source impedance and the target impedance value, can the input matching circuit design need.
In the input matching is complete, add impedance measurement control measure in principle diagram output impedance, again using "Smith Chart the Utility Tool will impedance, output impedance matching to the standard system can get the maximum gain of the output matching circuit.
When the output matching is completed, because has changed from the input to see the equivalent impedance Zin, will get poor return loss at the input. For this purpose, the optimal control can be used for the input and the output matching circuit optimization to improve at the same time, also can use Tunig tools.
2.5 the final circuit analysis and simulation results
Matched and optimized circuit as shown in figure 4, the role of each element in the circuit are respectively: C6, L6 is input matching circuit; C7, is about the output matching circuit; L1, L5, C3, R5 is feedback element; L3, L4 is choke inctance; C4, C5 is the direct coupling capacitance; C1, C2 is the bypass capacitor.
Feedback to be sure, inctance L1, L5 and matching circuit element in C6, L6, C7, about because small amounts, such as microstrip line to replace the commonly used in engineering.
The simulation results as shown in figure 5. Its working bandwidth of 500 MHz, the center frequency close to 20 dB gain, input and output return loss is less than 10 dB of noise coefficient is less than 0.5 dB, stability factor greater than 1. If disconnect again after feedback circuit simulation, will find the gain increased, but the stability coefficient will be less than 1, the amplifying circuit will not work properly.
3 conclusion
Through radio frequency low noise amplifier design and simulation, can see use ADS auxiliary circuit design, the theoretical calculation is simple, rapid design process, parameter modification easy, convenient, shorten the design cycle,


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