『壹』 請英文高手幫忙翻譯這合同!急!!!
In accordance with the PRC contract law and the relevant regulations of the entrusted party a, party b accepts, entrust designing, after consultation, both sides signed the contract, keep execution:
A, the contents of the contract and requirements:
(a) content:
1 "four lodge a wonderful" brand logo.
2 "four" brand logo to lodge kangsheng VI design development.
List three specific design according to the appendix of this contract.
(2) requirements:
1, accord with "four" brand concept kangsheng accommodation.
2, shall constitute a binding complete VI design.
3 and overall design of the desired effect.
Second, the expenses
Logo design, VI design (including VI manual printing, binding) : the total cost of 80000.00 yuan (RMB ¥ million yuan capital: the whole) (RMB)
Third, the payment
1 and after signing the contract, party a shall pay to party b is the total contract costs, i.e. RMB ¥50 40000.00 yuan (RMB), and poured the
2, VI, printing and binding handbook before, party a shall pay to party b, i.e. RMB ¥contract balance 40000.00 yuan (RMB 100,000 loses.
Four, the design time
Both parties agreed on time.
Fifth, both the responsibility and obligation
1 party b shall constitute a binding required by party a complete relevant design work.
2 party a must in the time agreed upon a company VI design work.
3 party a is responsible to cooperate fully with party b in stipulated in the contract, and in accordance with party a's work to provide related information. Party a provides information for right, messages, triggered by the legal responsibility, economic disputes should be borne by party a.
4 party b as the logo design, infringe upon intellectual property rights disputes or litigation caused economic losses to party a, party b shall be liable for compensation.
5 and the draft, party b shall provide party beforehand, after discussion, issue official design/ and VI design manual.
6, according to the agreement of party a shall pay to party b under the contract costs.
Six, intellectual property rights
1, the party a under this contract, party a entrusts design fees before the design to party b, party a right works in this work are not entitled to any rights.
2 party a in the balance, not pay before unauthorized use or modify the design works using caused to party b, party b is entitled to rely on the infringement of right law of the People's Republic legal responsibility.
3 party a under this contract pay all fees, party b's works include marks, text, graphics and VI design content, all of the right of the intellectual property right shall be appropriate to party b, party a, including enjoy all the other per capita authorization or implement any infringement.
Seven, the responsibility of breach of contract
After signing the contract, both parties should be comprehensive performance of the contract,
Because VI design work is very difficult, not only need to work after a lot of stylist, and first-class, party b has started when the design in the overall performance of the contract, in view of this, a promise as early termination of the contract, party a shall pay party b undertakes to still GeTongKuan all obligations (both parties agree to terminate the exception).
If party b terminates the contract breach, the fees shall be returned to party a all.
Party a payment under this contract, party b shall entrust after all this agreement fails to submit the logo design works and the time of printing design, VI manual work as party b, party b shall return all the default design.
Eight, the parties for performance of the contract dispute shall be settled through friendly consultations, consultation fails, the parties any party to the cheng arbitration committee for arbitration.
This contract is part of the contract, the contract yiji two copies, both parties hold one , signed by both parties, party a shall stamp date, to have equal legal effectiveness. Due to party b in this contract, party a support to design a commitment under this contract, in the design and implemented under the condition of the same price priority to party b contracting proction
『貳』 天元圍棋logo是什麼字體
『叄』 王者榮耀各個段位的圖標是什麼樣子
『肆』 求天元突破大紅蓮軍團的標志的圖片
『伍』 tianyuan.stationeryco.ltd這是什麼意思
tian yuan station ery co.ltd
有限責任公司(Company Limited);
『陸』 求經典的動漫或游戲標志
黑之契約者 面具
噬魂師 大黃臉……
地獄少女 一團火
噬魂師 EXCULIBER(聖劍,長得像啄木鳥很囧的那個)
最終幻想7 陸行鳥,ZACK的大劍
空之境界 LOGO
寵物小精靈 精靈球(雷了點……)
Fairy Tail 妖尾的工會標志
OP 草帽
高達UC 幾個勢力的標志
銀魂 伊麗莎白
最終幻想13 閃電(限量PS3的logo)
絕望先生 LOGO(要是能光用絕望兩字就太神了!)
『柒』 古今通寶的企業Logo
太極圖居於天元(中心)位置,太極蘊含著宇宙萬事萬物運行的規律。「立天之道,立地之道,立人之道」三綱交匯於天元,至極之理「放之則彌六合,卷之退藏於心」的外延與內涵達到了臻於至美的境界。 「道生一,一生二,二生三,三生萬物」;氣合「無極生太極,太極生兩儀,陰陽化合而生萬物」東方整體哲學體系之思辨。象徵著古今通寶遵循事物運行的本質規律做事,不斷拓展事業版圖,生生不息、方圓通達,積極擁抱變化、銳意進取的企業精神。
英文TAAI是「Tombao Antiques and Art Group」(古今通寶藝術品國際控股集團公司)的股票代碼。
《論語》「仁者可謂方也矣」。 唐代醫學家孫思邈主張「治事合乎至德」。所謂「至德」就是「膽欲大而心欲小,智欲圓而行欲方」,「智圓行方」被古人當作境界極高的人生道德和智慧。
外圓是對別人的態度的寬容,它不是圓滑,不是世故,而是對人世的豁達和處世的胸襟,外圓的支撐來自於內方,是對自己信仰的堅持,自己原則的堅持。這也代表古今通寶銳意進取,孜孜追求,立志成為中國藝術收藏品業界的第一品牌所獨具的領袖氣質。 標志釋義:
文化中國,古今通寶。中國本土擁有7000多萬收藏群體, 「服務於中國收藏業界,服務於中國文化藝術行業」是古今通寶的理想與追求。古今通寶與北京故宮博物院、國家博物館、中央電視台《鑒寶》欄目等國家級權威機構具有良好的合作關系,在全國各地舉行近千場鑒寶交流、藝術投資活動,對於普及中國民間收藏愛好者傳統文化知識、提高民眾藝術鑒賞水平起到了巨大的促進作用,同時對於規范、完善中國藝術收藏市場做出了卓越的貢獻。
古今通寶創始人、董事局主席李建民,在中國商界具有極大的影響力。2008年9月應邀出席在北京舉行的「第四屆傑出華商大會」、2009年1月被評選第三屆「和諧中國2008年度十大領軍人物」、2009年10月出席「2009APEC經濟體高官論壇暨全球經濟成長中國峰會」、2009年至2011年連續三年應邀隨國家主席胡錦濤出席「亞太經合組織(APEC)峰會」、 2011年3月出席CCTV《奮斗》欄目大型勵志商務型脫口秀節目。
『捌』 給我一張《天元突破》裡面紅蓮軍團的標志吧!要黑白的!就是戴墨鏡的火焰!
『玖』 天元突破紅蓮之眼的logo圖片
『拾』 有沒有天元突破的標志