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發布時間: 2021-02-24 17:46:08

㈠ tcp/ip協議中各層協議的全部英文名及功能是什麼

TCP/IP協議共分四層:應用層Application Layer、傳輸層Transport Layer、網路層Network Layer、數據鏈路層Data link Layer。
應用層Application Layer:應用層是所有用戶所面向的應用程序的統稱。ICP/IP協議族在這一層面有著很多協議來支持不同的應用,許多大家所熟悉的基於Internet的應用的實現就離不開這些協議。如我們進行萬維網(WWW)訪問用到了HTTP協議、文件傳輸用FTP協議、電子郵件發送用SMTP、域名的解析用DNS協議、遠程登錄用Telnet協議等等,都是屬於TCP/IP應用層的;就用戶而言,看到的是由一個個軟體所構築的大多為圖形化的操作界面,而實際後台運行的便是上述協議。
傳輸層Transport Layer:這一層的的功能主要是提供應用程序間的通信,TCP/IP協議族在這一層的協議有TCP和UDP。
網路層Network Layer:網路層是TCP/IP協議族中非常關鍵的一層,主要定義了IP地址格式,從而能夠使得不同應用類型的數據在Internet上通暢地傳輸,IP協議就是一個網路層協議。
數據鏈路層Data link Layer:這是TCP/IP軟體的最低層,負責接收IP數據包並通過網路發送之,或者從網路上接收物理幀,抽出IP數據報,交給IP層。

㈡ "我已看過並接受《用戶協議》"用英語怎麼說 請勿用在線翻譯、金色詞霸之類直接翻譯!

I have read and accepted the "user's agreement"

㈢ 急求一份 英文版的 最終用戶協議(測試版) 謝謝!

把[company name]換成你公司名字就可以了。
如果你想發布開源軟體的話,用 Common的EULA吧。。。

The proct is protected by Copyright Law. [COMPANY NAME] retains the title to and ownership of the Proct. You are licensed to use this Proct on the following terms and conditions:

LICENSE - The licensee is defined as the indivial or company utilizing the Software Proct. [COMPANY NAME] hereby grants the licensee a nonexclusive license authorizing the licensee to use the enclosed Proct on one computer at a time. The licensee is also permitted to distribute this proct to one, and only one web server to host the Program. Please contact [COMPANY NAME] if you require additional licenses. Use of this proct by more than one indivial or by anyone other than the licensee terminates, without notification, this license and the right to use this proct.

YOU MAY NOT: Distribute, rent, sub-license or otherwise make available to others the software or documentation or copies thereof, except as expressly permitted in this License without prior written consent from [COMPANY NAME]. In the case of an authorized transfer, the transferee must agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this License Agreement.

RESTRICTIONS: - You may use this Proct in your business as long as:
The software serial number and user must be registered with [COMPANY NAME] in order to receive support or distribution rights.
You may not remove any proprietary notices, labels, trademarks on the software or documentation.
You may not modify, de-compile, disassemble, reverse engineer or translate the software.

US GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS - Use, plication or disclosure by the United States Government is subject to restrictions as set forth under DFARS 252.227-7013 or in FARS 52.227-19 Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights.

TERM - You may terminate your License and this Agreement at anytime by destroying all copies of the Proct and Proct Documentation. They will also terminate automatically if you fail to comply with any term or condition in this Agreement.

LIMITED WARRANTY - This software and documentation are sold "as is" without any warranty as to their performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. The licensee assumes the entire risk as to the quality and performance of the software. [COMPANY NAME] warrants that the diskettes on which the Program is furnished will be free from any defects in materials. Exclusive remedy in the event of a defect is expressly limited to the replacement of diskettes. In no event shall [COMPANY NAME] or anyone else who has been involved in the creation, development, proction, or delivery of this software be liable for any direct, incidental or consequential damages, such as, but not limited to, loss of anticipated profits, benefits, use, or data resulting from the use of this software, or arising out of any breach of warranty.

㈣ 由用戶自行完成協議對接的翻譯是:什麼意思

由用戶自行完成協議對接的翻譯是:The protocol is completed by the user himself

㈤ 用戶協議翻譯報告屬於什麼文體



㈥ 我已看過並接受 用戶協議 翻譯為日語



㈦ 【蹤視通】APP的用戶協議怎麼是英文的

of different mating strains fuse, giving rise to ascospor

㈧ tcp ip協議簇全英文

TCP/IP協議共分四層:應用層Application Layer、傳輸層Transport Layer、網路層Network Layer、數據鏈路層Data link Layer。
應用層Application Layer:應用層是所有用戶所面向的應用程序的統稱。ICP/IP協議族在這一層面有著很多協議來支持不同的應用,許多大家所熟悉的基於Internet的應用的實現就離不開這些協議。如我們進行萬維網(WWW)訪問用到了HTTP協議、文件傳輸用FTP協議、電子郵件發送用SMTP、域名的解析用DNS協議、遠程登錄用Telnet協議等等,都是屬於TCP/IP應用層的;就用戶而言,看到的是由一個個軟體所構築的大多為圖形化的操作界面,而實際後台運行的便是上述協議。
傳輸層Transport Layer:這一層的的功能主要是提供應用程序間的通信,TCP/IP協議族在這一層的協議有TCP和UDP。
網路層Network Layer:網路層是TCP/IP協議族中非常關鍵的一層,主要定義了IP地址格式,從而能夠使得不同應用類型的數據在Internet上通暢地傳輸,IP協議就是一個網路層協議。
數據鏈路層Data link Layer:這是TCP/IP軟體的最低層,負責接收IP數據包並通過網路發送之,或者從網路上接收物理幀,抽出IP數據報,交給IP層。







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