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『壹』 英文合同翻譯

in the event,avaya or sp provides notification(通告) to supplier , (notification) is that field failures are found to occur at a rare greater than two percent of the units shipped to acaya and /or sp ring the preceding 90 day period and such fiedl failures occur e to a commo root cause.

句子比較長,但是理清了就不復雜了,in the event 是一個前置,avaya or sp 提出一些通告向供應商,這個通告是指瑕疵被發現。。。。後面有定語1:每船損失率最大不超過2%,定語2:to avaya and /or sp,指向的意思,有可能是avaya 或者sp. 在90天前的這段時間,並且像這樣的瑕疵發生,由於一個共同的原因造成。。。。

『貳』 中文合同翻譯成英文

Fourth, the rights and obligations of both sides
4.1 The owner must be at least 10 working days in advance will be provided to the B advertising material, advertising material for the simulation of Betacom format or DVD. The owner of the above-mentioned period for advertising material, resulting in their advertising can not be released or not released on schele, the default is not considered B, and B does not bear any resulting losses can be deferred advertising B, A would have to pay accrue from the media (under this contract, "the media accrue," refers to this contract and its annexes of the agreement advertising section 1) to the actual release date between the cost of advertising.
4.2 If the owner to change advertising material to in paragraph 4.1 will be referred to the period after the change of advertising material provided to B, B should be changed in accordance with the advertising material, in accordance with the contractual agreement to complete the release of the owner advertising . If the owner can not be described in section 4.1 of the period after the change to provide its advertising material, which resulted in no change in the time after the publication of advertisements or advertising material can not be published, B visualization actual situation, in accordance with the change in advertising Extension materials are in accordance with the original release, or advertising material on time advertising, not to be regarded as non-B, and B does not bear any losses caused by. Specific agreement are as follows:
A) If B can be changed scheled advertising scheling, B, in accordance with the change in the advertising material delays.
B) If B can not change the original Advertising waiting, B still advertising material on time in accordance with the original advertisement

『叄』 英文合同翻譯 英譯中


In no event, whether arising before or after completion of its obligations under the Contract, shall Seller be liable for special, consequential, incidental or personal damages of any kind (including but not limited to loss of use, revenue or profits, inventory or use charge, cost of capital, or claims of customer) incurred by Buyer or any third party.


The remedies set forth herein are exclusive, and the total liability of the SELLER with respect to the Contract, or any breach thereof, whether based on Contract, warranty, tort (including negligence indemnity, strict liability or otherwise), shall not exceed the Contract Price of the specific goods which gives rise to the claim. Such liability shall terminate upon expiration of the warranty period as defined in this Contract.



『肆』 翻譯:本合同中英文版本一式兩份,具有同等法律效力


The contract is in English and Chinese in two copies, with the same legal effect.











『伍』 合同翻譯(英文)

1 ) .支付給賣方,為把貨物根據本合同所進行的,買方於美元.

2 ) .金應保證一流的世界銀行.

3 ) .銀行買方3 ( 3 )銀行天後簽署本合同並按照合同數量和交易代碼按照順序買方暴露給銀行,賣方不可撤銷可轉讓公告旋轉信用證(按附錄第五至本合同) ,為造福賣方為期65天復蓋價值每月很多商品對下列文件向銀行買方:
交割合約為原料(油) ;
合同加工нпз (哈薩克或俄羅斯) ;
-貨物運輸合同燃油米- 100全境在哈薩克.

3.1 .銀行買方暴露對銀行帳戶的賣方名字\三蓋的時間表和使用的監管,根據4項,其中將視乎卷根據交貨時間表№ 2本合同.

4 ) .不可改變的,有蓋(付費) ,在銀行的賣方,填滿和紀錄片循環信用證,將讓出(將被釋放)不遲於14 ( 14 )銀行之日起執行3項本(真實)附錄.

5 ) .付款信用證暴露在賣方的銀行應按美元即時可用資金在櫃台賣方的銀行出示下列文件櫃,在買方的銀行如下:
5.1 ) .一份原產地證書的貨物;
5.2 ) .一份鐵路運輸貨單;
5.3 ) .副本或原數量證明書獨立審查員(工貿/罪案) ;
5.4 ) .副本或原始質量證明書,發出獨立審查員(工貿/罪案) ;
5.5 ) .副本或正本護照,從工廠的製造質量發出符合規格載於附錄一號對於本合同;
5.6 ) .副本或原賣方的商業發票基於運輸法案數量和顯示的全部價款計算;
5.7 ) .一份證書,證明該商品是無害的,至於輻射的影響:
5.8 ) .一份海關申報單上.
5.9 ) .副本或原收到電報,從火車站過來的"友誼" ,確認到達貨物漁農哈薩克-中國.

6 ) .所有銀行的收費買方的銀行應為買方的賬戶和賣方的銀行應為賣方的帳戶.

『陸』 英文合同翻譯



4。如果供應商延遲收集和替換受損,有缺陷的產品或包裝按照GC 10.3日起超過40天買方通知供應商這樣的損失,缺陷,買方有權以任何方式處置的項目它認為合適,唯一的風險,成本和費用的供應商,而不以任何方式承擔供應商包括這些產品的價格。

『柒』 怎樣對英文合同進行翻譯,有什麼簡單快速的方法



『捌』 英文合同翻譯

期滿後或因任何原因終止本協定除了違反由高斯 - - 秋山將支付向戈斯的商定購買所有這些證實,通過與客戶直接秋山之前登記的規定終止的生效日期的訂單委員會稱訂單結果全部支付秋山。

如果調解失敗後,案件應提交給在華盛頓州西雅圖美國根據國際商會國際仲裁規則,並決定由三名仲裁員的仲裁。仲裁程序應以英語進行。秋山和戈斯之間的所有法律關系應受對美國法律的材料。當事各方同意將獨家jurisdic ¬重刑說,仲裁的一方提出的任何索賠。


『玖』 英文合同翻譯

Article 8.Miscellaneous Provisions 第8條 其他條款
8.1 (Force Majeure) Neither party shall be liable for failure to perform the whole of or any part of this Agreement and/or each Indivial Sales Contract when such failure is e to fire, flood, strikes, labor troubles or other instrial disturbances, inevitable accidents, war (declared or undeclared), embargoes, blockades, legal restrictions, riots, insurrections or any other causes beyond the control of the party. If the failure mentioned above continues more than six (6) months, either party hereto may terminate this Agreement immediately by giving written notice to the other party without incurring any obligation or responsibility.
因火災、洪災、罷工、勞資糾紛或其他行業性騷亂、不可避免的事故、戰爭(宣戰或不宣而戰)、禁運、封鎖、禁令、 暴亂、暴動或其他不受一方控制之原因未能履行本協議和或單獨銷售合同的全部或部分時,該方對此不應承擔責任。如果上述事件持續時間超過六(6)個月,本協議項下任何一方均可在書面告知另一方的前提下立即終止本協議而無需承擔任何義務或責任。

8.2 (Governing Law) This Agreement shall be governed by and under the laws of People』s Republic of China as to all matters including validity, construction and performance.
8.3 (Non-Waiver) Any failure of either party to enforce, at any time or for any period of time, any of the provisions of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of such provisions or of the right of the party thereafter to enforce each and every such provision.
8.4 (Entire Agreement) This Agreement constitutes the entire and only agreement between the parties hereto relating to distributorship of Procts and no modification, change or amendment of this Agreement shall be binding upon both Supplier and Distributor except by mutual express consent in writing of subsequent date signed by a ly authorized officer or representative of each of the parties hereto.
8.5 (Separability) If any portions or provisions of this Agreement is declared unenforceable or invalid by court or administration decision, or any applicable law, the validity of any other portions or provisions of this Agreement shall not be thereby affected in any way whatsoever.
8.6 (Non-Assignment) Neither this Agreement nor any right conferred hereunder to Distributor, may be transferred or assigned to any third party.

Article 9.Arbitration 第9條 仲裁
All disputes, controversies or differences which may arise between the parties hereto, out of or in relation to or in connection with this Agreement shall be finally settled by arbitration in Hong Kong in accordance with Rules of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre. The award rendered by the arbitrator(s) shall be final and binding upon both parties.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused two copies of this Agreement to be signed and sealed by their ly authorized officers or representatives on the date first above written.


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