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發布時間: 2021-02-14 09:32:11


知識產權intellectual property
對外貿易foreign trade
進口配額import figures
出口配額export figures
風險投資venture capital; risk investment
進出口權import/export right

⑵ 「侵犯知識產權」英語怎麼說

「侵犯知識產權」的英文翻譯英語為:Infringement of intellectual property rights 望採納

⑶ 尊重知識產權,「知識產權」英語怎麼說

[名] intellectual property right;
There was a significant decline in the size of the business as the company transitioned to an intellectual property company

⑷ 知識產權用英文怎麼說多謝

intellectual property rights

⑸ 侵犯知識產權用英語怎麼說

[網路] infringement of intellectual property; intellectual property right infringement;Copyright infringement; infringement of intellectual property rights;
Lastly, it identifies those offences relating to breaking intellectual property and right laws.

⑹ 知識產權的英文怎麼說 詞彙:對外貿易,進口配額,出口配額,風險投資,進出口權都怎麼說啊

知識產權intellectual property
對外貿易foreign trade
進口配額import figures
出口配額export figures
風險投資回venture capital; risk investment
進出口權答import/export right

⑺ 知識產權用英語怎麼翻譯

知識產權[zhī shi chǎn quán][名]intellectual property right ;

⑻ 知識產權用英文怎麼說

intellectual property right;

⑼ 知識產權英文

[名] intellectual property right;
There was a significant decline in the size of the business as the company transitioned to an intellectual property company.

⑽ 知識產權用英語怎麼說

intellectual property right
知識產權[zhī shi chǎn quán]

intellectual property right

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