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發布時間: 2020-11-22 00:49:35

A. 美術作品著作權名稱 能用英文名嗎


B. 軟體著作權補正:頁面為英文,需要英文原文聲明,這么聲明怎麼寫


C. 軟體著作權 英語怎麼說

software right

D. 版權聲明用英文怎麼表述

All rights reserved這個是版權所有的意思

It's not allowed to use this picture in any form include reproce and modify without the origional author's permission

E. 著作版權中英文翻譯


F. 版權的英文介紹

Copyright is a legal concept, enacted by most governments, giving the creator of an original work exclusive rights to it, usually for a limited time. Generally, it is "the right to ", but also gives the right holder the right to be credited for the work, to determine who may adapt the work to other forms, who may perform the work, who may financially benefit from it, and other related rights. It is an intellectual property form (like the patent, the trademark, and the trade secret) applicable to any expressible form of an idea or information that is substantive and discrete.

G. right如果翻譯為中文,是「版權」還是「著作權」;中國的著作權翻譯為英文,是否是Chinese right.

right 是指 著作權
版權說 Rights就可以了

中國的著作權 就是 Chinese right

H. 求大神給英文翻譯 版權(英文名稱:right)即著作權,是指文 學、藝術、科學作品的作者

Copyright, refers to the right of owning it like literary, artistic, scientific works (including property rights, personal rights). Copyright is a kind of intellectual property, which is composed of natural science, social science and literature, music, drama, painting, sculpture, photography and cinematography and other aspects of the work.

I. 申請軟體著作權,軟體全稱可以是全英文嗎

名稱要求:軟體全稱應簡短明確、針對性強,。可參考軟體行業協會發布的:品牌 + 產品用途與功能+「軟體」的命名規范。如:「高新技術企業認定平台」。著作權必須以「軟體、系統、平台」等詞結尾。簡稱可以是全英文或者英文縮寫,「Word Processing System」或者「WPS」均可,但是登記的名稱不可以是全英文。

J. 軟體著作權的名稱可以用英文嗎


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