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申請號:GB8314118A 申請日:1983.05.21
公開(公告)號:GB2140160(A) 公開(公告)日:1984.11.21
分類號: G01P5/00; G01P5/24;
優先權:19830521 GB 8314118
摘要:A resonance cavity is formed by two parallel spaced discs (1, 2, Fig. 1). A transcer 7 sets up a standing wave in the cavity through which a gas, the flow of which is to be measured, may pass in all directions. The flow of the gas causes a phase shift in the standing wave, as measured by microphones 11 and 13, and 10 and 12. The phase difference of signals proced by microphones 11 and 13 gives an indication of the velocity component of the gas in the direction in which they are spaced, and similarly for the other pair of microphones 10 and 12. The velocity components are determined by multiplying the phase differences by the resonance frequency of phase-locked oscillator 18, which controls the transcer 7, in multiplier circuits 25 and 30. The resulting signals are applied to a display 31 which gives an indication of the speed and direction of the gas flow. In further embodiments a microprocessor is fed the outputs of the multiplier circuits so as to give separate fluid speed and direction read-outs, and the apparatus is extended to measure three-dimensional flows. The apparatus is useful in projectile aiming systems.
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❺ 國際專利US CA GB是什麼意思
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❽ 英國專利下載求助。專利號為GB1379404,專利名稱為 POLYMERISATION PROCESS,急需該專利的全文
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CN - China 中國
CX - Christmas Island 聖誕島
CC - Cocos (Keeling) Islands 可可斯群島
CO - Colombia 哥倫比亞
KM - Comoros 葛摩
CG - Congo 剛果
CD - Congo, Democratic Republic 剛果
CK - Cook Islands 庫克群島
CR - Costa Rica 哥斯大黎加
CI - Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) 象牙海岸
HR - Croatia (Hrvatska) 克羅埃西亞
CU - Cuba 古巴
CY - Cyprus 塞普路斯
CZ - Czech Republic 捷克
CS - Czechoslovakia (former) 捷克斯洛伐克
DK - Denmark 丹麥
DJ - Djibouti 吉布地
DM - Dominica 多明尼加
DO - Dominican Republic 多米尼加聯邦
TP - East Timor 東帝汶
EC - Ecuador 厄瓜多
EG - Egypt 埃及
SV - El Salvador 薩爾瓦多
GQ - Equatorial Guinea 赤道幾內亞
ER - Eritrea
EE - Estonia 愛沙尼亞
ET - Ethiopia 衣索比亞
FK - Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 福蘭克群島
FO - Faroe Islands 法羅群島
FJ - Fiji 斐濟
FI - Finland 芬蘭
FR - France 法國
FX - France, Metropolitan
GF - French Guiana 法屬蓋亞那
PF - French Polynesia 法屬玻里尼西亞
TF - French Southern Territories 法國南部領地
MK - F.Y.R.O.M. (Macedonia)
GA - Gabon 加彭
GM - Gambia 甘比亞
GE - Georgia 喬治亞
DE - Germany 德國
GH - Ghana 迦納
GI - Gibraltar 直布羅陀
GB - Great Britain (UK) 英國
GR - Greece 希臘
GL - Greenland 格陵蘭島
GD - Grenada 格瑞那達
GP - Guadeloupe 法屬德洛普群島
GU - Guam 關島
GT - Guatemala 瓜地馬拉
GN - Guinea 幾內亞
GW - Guinea-Bissau 幾內亞比索
GY - Guyana 蓋亞那
HT - Haiti 海地
HM - Heard and McDonald Islands 赫德和麥克唐納群島
HN - Honras 宏都拉斯
HK - Hong Kong 中國香港特區
HU - Hungary 匈牙利
IS - Iceland 冰島
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IT - Italy 義大利
JM - Jamaica 牙買加
JP - Japan 日本
JO - Jordan 約旦
C 授權專利(Granted Patent)
CzechoslovakiA 專利申請說明書(1990年專利法) a (Patent Application。Patent Law 1990) CS 前捷克斯A2 專利申請說明書(Patent Application) 洛伐克 B 專利說明書(1990年專利法)
(Patent。Patent Law 1990)
Czech A3 未經審查的專利申請說明書(527/90法) Republic (Unexamined Patent Application。Law 527/90) CZ 捷克 B6授權申請說明書(527/90法)
(Granted Application ,Law 527/90) East Germany A 臨時經濟專利(Provisional Economic Patent)
A5 臨時獨占專利(Provisional Exclusive patent)
A7 獨占專利(Exclusive Patent)
A9 專利申請公開說明書(Application )
B 經濟專利(Economic Patent)
B1 經濟專利(Economic Patent) DD 前東德 B3 獨占專利(Exclusive Patent)
B5 專利申請公開說明書(Application )
C 經過審查的授權專利說明書
(Examined Granted Patent)
C4 經過審查和檢索的專利說明書
(Examined and Searched Patent)
Germany A1 專利申請公開說明書( Application)
C1 專利說明書(第一次公開)(Patent
Specification(first Publication)
C2 專利說明書(第二次公開)(Patent
Specification(second Publication)