❶ 英文專利
❷ 中文專利翻譯成英文
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❸ 專利中參考文獻是英文用翻譯嗎
❹ 英文專利翻譯:請高手准確翻譯一下下面的三段。高分厚謝!尤其是中間段。
1. 瓶上連接一鋼帽,可旋出,該瓶內裝帶壓飲品,瓶頸上沿頸邊開口,以方便倒出瓶內飲品。頸邊有四個螺紋起點,每個螺紋都分別有起點和終點,上述瓶蓋中部在瓶頸部位關閉開口,瓶蓋連接的冠狀部分有33個牙,可彎曲或沿瓶頸邊緣固定。捲曲在每個螺紋起點的牙的數量,與其它三個螺紋起點相差至少一個螺紋起點。這樣,牙的數量就與螺紋起點的整倍數不等,如此最多一個蓋牙對應一個螺紋起點及終點。因而在瓶蓋不取下的情況下,降低瓶蓋自己旋出以至飲品流出的可能。
❺ 「發明專利」如何翻譯
Invention patent
invention 名詞 n.發明,創造[U]
patent 形容詞 a. 專利的;獲得專利的;有專利權的[B]
❻ 幫幫我,把一篇英文專利翻譯成中文
❼ 翻譯PCT的專利需要翻譯哪些是把所有的英文全翻譯成中文就可以嗎表格裡面的又沒有不用翻譯的
基本上是全部翻譯,有一些不需要翻譯,比如公知單位或常用單位,例如,hr在表格裡面內不用翻譯成容小時,1 s就不用翻譯成1秒,還有一些地名、人名不需要翻譯以及引用文獻的原文不用翻譯,剩下的基本都翻譯,建議找專利代理所翻譯,翻譯公司大部分都是文科生,英文水平不錯,但是涉及到技術方案描述的時候,錯誤非常多,而且審查以中文文本為基礎,翻譯錯了,以後問題還是很大的
❽ 急!英語專利翻譯的待遇如何
❾ 跪求專利英文的翻譯,如題
In the description of the present specification,Reference to the term "one embodiment", "some embodiments", "an example", "a specific example", Or "some examples" etc., means that a particular feature of the described embodiment or example described, structure, material, or characteristic included in the present invention, at least one embodiment or example. In the present specification, the term of the above schematic representation is not necessary for the same embodiment or example. Furthermore, the particular features, structures, materials, or characteristics described may be in any one or more of the example embodiments in combination or in a suitable manner. Furthermore, different embodiments or examples, and various exemplary embodiments or features in the embodiments are not mutually contradictory situation, those skilled in the art can be described in this specification and the binding composition.
Although the above has been illustrated and described embodiments of the present invention, it is understood that the above-described embodiments are illustrative and are not to be construed as limiting the invention, one of ordinary skill in the art within the scope of the present invention described above can be Example changes, modifications, substitutions and variations.
❿ 專利技術的英語翻譯 專利技術用英語怎麼說
patent:專利patent right :專利權Intellectual Property :知識產權