A. 英語進出口貿易對話2個人
Procts owner(A): What's the cost for a 20 feet container from Shenzhen to LA?
Forwarder(B): $$$$$
A: What lines do you have?
B: Evergreen, Maersk, Hanjin...
A: Which one is the best for me if my cargo is ready on 2/21/09?
B: Evergreen would be better.
A: How long will it take to reach at the port?
B: Usually it takes around 11 days.
A: When can we get the container when it is in the port?
B: It takes around two working days to load down the container. After that we can deliver it to you.
A: What's wrong with my cargo? You said it would come in today but i still havent got the notice yet!
B: Im sorry. Let me check it for you....Sorry the container is still on the way and probably we can get it tomorrow.
A: What happened? I can't catch up with my customer's deadline!
B: Im sorry. The system shows that schele was delayed because of typhoon. I promiss you that we will keep you posted once there is an update. Would you please have a talk with your customer to delay the cancel day?
A: I don't have a choice, do I?
B: Im sorry. We'll do it better next time.
B. 國際貿易英語對話
How about TT?My other business partners are all using TT
Humm..I was think about LC or DP.It's more safe that way.
Yeah I understand but TT is much faster.Time is money,right?
I know.In terms of our current situation,time means more than anything.So let's go TT then.
C. 常見國際貿易專業術語有哪些
1、FCA(Free Carrier):貨交承運人(指定地點)。此術語是指賣方必須在合同規定的交貨期內在指定地點將貨物交給買方指定的承運人監管,並負擔貨物交由承運人監管前的一切費用和貨物滅失或損壞的風險。此外,賣方還應辦理出口所需的一切海關手續。
2、FAS(Free Alongside Ship):船邊交貨(指定裝運港),是指賣方將貨物運至指定裝運港的船邊或駁船內交貨,並在需要辦理海關手續時,辦理貨物出口所需的一切海關手續,買方承擔自裝運港船邊(或駁船)起的一切費用和風險。
3、FOB(Free On Board):船上交貨(指定裝運港),該術語規定賣方必須在合同規定的裝運期內在指定的裝運港將貨物交至買方指定的船上,並負擔貨物越過船舷以前為止的一切費用和貨物滅失或損壞的風險。
4、CFR(Cost and Freight):成本加運費(指定目的港),是指賣方必須在合同規定的裝運期內,在裝運港將貨物交至運往指定目的港的船上,負擔貨物越過船舷以前為止的一切費用和貨物滅失或損壞的風險,並負責租船訂艙,支付至目的港的正常運費。
5、CIF(Cost、 Insurance and Freight):成本、保險費加運費(指定目的港),是指賣方必須在合同規定的裝運期內在裝運港將貨物交至運往指定目的港的船上,
6、CPT(Carriage Paid to):運費付至(指定目的地),是指賣方支付貨物運至指定目的地的運費,在貨物被交由承運人保管時,貨物滅失或損壞的風險,以及由於在貨物交給承運人後發生的事件而引起的額外費用,即從賣方轉移至買方。
7、CIP(Carriage and Insurance Paid to):運費、保險費付至(指定目的地),是指賣方支付貨物運至目的地的運費,並對貨物在運輸途中滅失或損壞的買方風險取得貨物保險,
8、DAF(Delivered at Frontier):邊境交貨(指定地點),是指賣方將貨物運至買方指定的邊境地點,將仍處於交貨的運輸工具上尚未卸下的貨物交付買方,並辦妥貨物出口清關手續,
9、DES(Delivered EX Ship):目的港船上交貨(指定目的港),是指賣方將貨物運至買方指定目的港的船上,並交給買方,但不辦理進口清關手續,賣方負擔將貨物運抵指定卸貨港為止的一切費用和風險,買方負擔貨物從船上開始卸貨期的一切費用和風險。
10、DEQ(Delivered EX Quay):目的港碼頭交貨(指定目的港),是指將貨物交付給買方,但不辦理貨物進口清關手續,賣方負擔將貨物運抵卸貨港並卸至碼頭為止的一切費用與風險。買方則負擔隨後的一切費用和風險。
11、DDU(Delivered Duty Unpaid):未完稅交貨(指定目的地),是指賣方將貨物運至進口國指定的目的地交付給買方,不辦理進口手續,也不從交貨的運輸工具上將貨物卸下,即完成交貨。
12、DDP(Delivered Duty Paid):進口國完稅後交貨(指定目的地),是指賣方將貨物運至進口國指定地點,將在交貨運輸工具上尚未卸下的貨物交付給買方,賣方負責辦理進口報關手續,交付在需要辦理海關手續時在目的地應繳納的任何進口「稅費」。
D. 貿易中有個名詞叫一單一議,什麼是一單一議啊
E. 急急急急求一篇英語對話(國際貿易專業)。。。跪求跪求
此原創,送給『過了初戀的滋味』。 跪求滿意!
Jenny: This is Jenny speaking, Good morning!
Lisa:Good morning! This is Lisa. How are you Jenny?
Jenny:I am fine, and you?
Lisa:I am fine too. Jenny, I am very pleased to have met you at the trade fair. Actually I called you the second week after the trade fair but you were not in.
Jenny:Me too. Sorry for missing your call, Iwas on holiday that week. We are very glad to have meet you and your colleague too. You company and your team have left me an very remarkable impression. We indeed had a very nice business talk with you. After I come back I reported this to my boss and he suggested that we develop the link with you further. I was about to make a telephone call to you when you called me.
Lisa:Yes, indeed. We are very pleased to know the business of your company and we are delighted to find we share some mutual ground so perhaps we can have some cooperations in the future.
Jenny:Yes, that is exactly we are looking for. I would like to tell you that we just started to orgnize a trip to China in five weeks.
Lisa:That is lovely. I am very pleased to know that. May I ask what the objective of your trip will be?
Jenny:We would like to visit several companies we met at the trade fair. We would like to develop our business in China, for which we expect to finalize some partners.
Lisa:That will be great. You are welcome to visit the headquater of our ABCD company in Beijing. We could have more chat about possible mutually interested issues.
Jenny:Thank you for your kindness. We would like to visit your company. Actually our first stop will be Beijing. We will arrive at Beijing on 16th of November and plan to stay there for three days.
Lisa:Would you think it will be possible for you to visit us on 17th, the second day after your arrival?
Jenny:No, I am afraid not. We have booked an appointment with company DCBA. But we will have the afternoon of 19th free, is it possible to arrange a visit to your company then?
Lisa:Let me have a look at my diary. Oh, yes. That afternoon will be fine. Could you please come to our the reception desk of Lime Court, 101 Seaford Road. at about 13:30?
Jenny:Yes, that will be a perfect time for us. Thank you again for organising this for us. See you then.
Lisa:You are welcome. We are looking forward to meeting you in 5 weeks. Bye!
F. 求商務英語買方和賣方的貿易對話(含有價格術語例如FOB CIF等,明確責任)急!
G. 求一組國際貿易3-5分鍾英語對話,內容包括:付款方式、包裝以及保險!
A: Good morning, Mr./Ms XX. Can we sign the contract today?
B: Good morning, I am sorry. As some points concerning the contract have not yet been settled, negotiation has to be continued before the contract is signed.
A: Sure, so, what's the problem?
B: Firstly, it's about the packing. You know the package of glassware should be careful. My suggestion is to use wooden cases.
A: A wooden case is much more heavier than a carton. The freight would be increase.
B: It's doesn't matter much how the freight will be, it's ok.
A: Ok, I'll take this package.
B: Great, thanks. And the second thing is the payment. Well, what's the mode of payment you usually accept?
A: Irrevocable L/C, the normal payment terms in international trade.
B: Sure, that'll be fine. And I'd like to have the insurance of the goods covered at 110% of the toatll invoice value. Is that all right?
A: No problem. So, do you have any problems?
B: No, I think this first business will promote future expansion of the trade between us.
A: I hope so. Shall we sign the contract tomorrow afternoon?
B: Okay. See you then.
A: See you.
H. 關於國際貿易的簡短英文對話
How about TT? My other business partners are all using TT
Humm..I was think about LC or DP. It's more safe that way.
Yeah I understand but TT is much faster. Time is money, right?
I know. In terms of our current situation, time means more than anything. So let's go TT then.
I. 國際貿易要涉及的一些專業術語和一些英文縮寫,越詳細越好
(1)FCA (Free Carrier) 貨交承運人
(2)FAS (Free Alongside Ship) 裝運港船邊交貨
(3)FOB (Free on Board) 裝運港船上交貨
(4)CFR (Cost and Freight) 成本加運費
(5)CIF (Cost,Insurance and Freight) 成本、保險費加運費
(6)CPT (Carriage Paid To) 運費付至目的地
(7)CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid To) 運費、保險費付至目的地
(8)DAF (Delivered At Frontier) 邊境交貨
(9)DES (Delivered Ex Ship) 目的港船上交貨
(10)DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay) 目的港碼頭交貨
(11)DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid) 未完稅交貨
(12)DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) 完稅後交貨
(1)ORC (Origen Recevie Charges) 本地收貨費用(廣東省收取)
(2)THC (Terminal Handling Charges) 碼頭操作費(香港收取)
(3)BAF (Bunker Adjustment Factor) 燃油附加費
(4)CAF (Currency Adjustment Factor) 貨幣貶值附加費
(5)YAS (Yard Surcharges)碼頭附加費
(6)EPS (Equipment Position Surcharges) 設備位置附加費
(7)DDC (Destination Delivery Charges) 目的港交貨費
(8)PSS (Peak Season Sucharges) 旺季附加費
(9)PCS (Port Congestion Surcharge) 港口擁擠附加費
(10)DOC (DOcument charges) 文件費
(11)O/F (Ocean Freight) 海運費
(12)B/L (Bill of Lading) 海運提單
(13)MB/L(Master Bill of Lading) 船東單
(14)MTD (Multimodal Transport Document) 多式聯運單據
(15)L/C (Letter of Credit) 信用證
(16)C/O (Certificate of Origin) 產地證
(17)S/C (Sales Confirmation)銷售確認書(Sales Contract) 銷售合同
(18)S/O (Shipping Order)裝貨指示書
(19)W/T (Weight Ton)重量噸(即貨物收費以重量計費)
(20)M/T (Measurement Ton)尺碼噸(即貨物收費以尺碼計費)
(21)W/M(Weight or Measurement ton)即以重量噸或者尺碼噸中從高收費
(22)CY (Container Yard) 集裝箱(貨櫃)堆場
(23)FCL (Full Container Load) 整箱貨
(24)LCL (Less than Container Load) 拼箱貨(散貨)
(25)CFS (Container Freight Station) 集裝箱貨運站
(26)TEU (Twenty-feet Equivalent Units) 20英尺換算單位(用來計算貨櫃量的多少)
(27)A/W (All Water)全水路(主要指由美國西岸中轉至東岸或內陸點的貨物的運輸方式)
(28)MLB(Mini Land Bridge) 迷你大陸橋(主要指由美國西岸中轉至東岸或內陸點的貨物的運輸方式)
(29)NVOCC(Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier) 無船承運人
J. 找些關於做五金外貿的英語對話。
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