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發布時間: 2021-01-25 06:42:57

『壹』 研華(中國)公司北京分公司怎麼樣

您是說哪方面?研華還好吧!!畢竟是台企,待遇要看你從事什麼職位了! 業務當然是看業績了,如果業績好的話,掙得就會多,當然,業務是可以變通的,還有一些灰色收入在裡面,前提是,你有客戶

『貳』 北京研華興業電子科技有限公司的英文版說明

About Advantech
Founded in 1983, Advantech is a global leading ePlatform services provider of web-based technology, computing platforms and customization services to empower innovations in the connected eWorld. Advantech cooperates closely with partners to help provide complete solutions for a wide array of applications in various instries. Advantech delivers more than a thousand procts and platform solutions in 5 main categories: Instrial & Network Computing, Embedded Computing, Applied Computing, eVideo Solutions, and eAutomation. With more than 2,700 talented people, Advantech operates an extensive support, sales and marketing network in 18 countries and 36 major cities. Advantech delivers efficient time-to-market services to all worldwide customers.

『叄』 北京研華工控觸摸屏能否當電腦顯示器用


『肆』 北京做研華工控機代理的哪家好,求推薦


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