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发布时间: 2021-03-16 12:47:46

⑴ 关于阀门术语的专业翻译

1, mainly for oxygen compressor after the pipe network
 2, carbide hard surfacing sealing surface wear and scratches, good seal
 3, small-general for the structure, Chase Drive additional valve, or to bypass around the pressure balance valve, recing the hoist torque. According to the different forces: small-caliber low into the higher, large-calibre adopted into the low to high.
 4, the all-valves are equipped with conctive Luokong to prevent static electricity. Stent plane bearing grease on the use of non-Ranxing Grease (fluorinated resin)
 5, in a stainless steel valve on the Compensation ripples, in the longer term can be installed in the pipeline. Compensation is the valve when the valve hoist the axial displacement, recing valve plate at the moment rotation.
(Note: can not be used as compensation in the pipeline)
 6, driven in part by three-axis clamping components, drive shaft spiral pay about Valve, clamping completed, the release action.
 7, rotating disc so that blind and orifice-orifice position to transform hoist purpose.
 8, the diversion cone filter, filter composed of a main gas flow cone triage role.
 9, the valve spring clearance on a help

⑵ 各类阀门的英语名称及相关词汇

air-compressor valve 空气压缩机阀门
automatic cutout valve 自动切断阀门
backlash valve 无游隙阀门
High temperature valve 高温阀门
hose valve 水带阀门
pipe manifold valves 管道汇集器阀门
pneumatic cylinder cock valve 风动汽缸排水阀阀门
pneumatic positioner valve 气动阀门定位器
pneumatic sander valve 风动撒砂器阀门
quick opening valve 快开阀门
quick-opening gate valve 速启阀门
standby valve 应急阀门; 备用阀门
two selenoid 双螺管阀门
valve chest 阀门室
valve clearance 阀门间隙; 阀余隙
valveman 阀门操作者
wash-out valve 清洗阀门
adjusting valve 调整阀, 调节阀
admission valve 进气阀; 进浆阀
air admission valve 进气阀
air bleed(ing) valve 排气阀; 排气嘴
air control valve 空调阀
air cylinder valve 气筒阀
air escape valve 泄气阀
air inlet valve (=air intake valve) 进气阀; 进风阀
air operated throttle motor 风动节流器, 风动节流阀马达
air pilot valve 空气导向阀
air pressure governor valve 风压调压阀
air relay valve 空气中继阀
air release valve (=air relief valve) 排气阀; 放空阀
air reversing valve 空气换向阀
air shut-off valve 空气关闭阀
air signal recing valve 空气信号减压阀
air slide valve 空气分配阀
air starting (control) valve 空气起动(控制)阀
air straining check valve 空气滤尘止回阀
air valve 空气阀
air vent valve 气动调压阀, 排气阀
air-actuated direction valve 气动控制换向阀
air-compressor valve 空气压缩机阀门
air-operated valve 气动换向阀
air-vacuum proportional valve 空真比例阀
air-vacuum two way valve 空真二位阀
alarm valve 报警阀
aligned grid valve 栅极中点校直的电子管阀
Allan valve 阿伦滑阀
altitude valve 【航空】高度阀(航空发动机汽化器的可调整阀)
ammonia valve 【工】氨阀
angle back-pressure valve 背压角阀
angle globe valve 折角球形阀
angle stop valve 弯形止阀, 折角止阀
angle valve 角阀
angle water valve 折角水阀
annular ring valve 环形阀; 环状阀
anti-g valve 【航空】防超重活门, 抗重力阀
application pilot valve 作用导阀
application valve 作用阀, 控制阀
ashpan blower valve 灰盘吹风阀
Askania valve 射流管阀
atmos valve (=atmospheric valve) 大气阀, 空气阀; 放空阀
autocontrol valve 自动控制阀
automatic air valve 自动空气阀
automatic brake valve 自动制动阀
automatic control valve 自动控制阀
automatic cutout valve 自动切断阀门
automatic delivery control valve 自动输送控制阀
automatic drain valve 自动排水阀
automatic expansion valve (定压式)自动膨胀阀
automatic gas sampling valve 自动气体进样阀
automatic recing valve 自动减压阀(高速制动机)
automatic regulating valve 自动调节阀
automatic spring loaded valve 自动弹簧阀


阀门相关 / 阀门技术 / 对照英语词汇

⑶ 帮忙翻译一下阀门专业英语

球阀CL150射频CS ASTM A105身体SS 316 l修剪强化聚四氟乙烯阀座和密封减少港口消防安全杆- 608 ASME B16.5 OP api


⑷ 谁能给我写出关于阀门的专业英语单词缩写,包括材料的缩写,什么连接的缩写,谢谢啦

ACV automatic control valve 自动控制阀
AIV air inlet valve 进气阀
AOIV automatically operated inlet valve 自动操作进给阀
AOPV Air-Operated Plastic Valve 气动塑料阀
a/or automatic operated valve 自动操作阀
AV angle valve 角阀
AWV automatic washing valve 自动洗涤阀
BAV ball valve 球阀
BB bolted bonnet 螺栓连接阀盖
BC bolted cap 螺栓连接阀帽
BCV ball check valve 球止回阀
BDV blow down valve 放泄阀
BFV butterfly valve 蝶阀
BUV butterfly valve 蝶阀
BV breather valve 呼吸阀
BVMA British Valve Manufactures Association 英国阀门制造商协会
BWV back water valve 回水阀
CEIR [法] Comité Européen de l'Instrie de la Robineterie 欧洲阀门制造业委员会
CHV check valve 止回阀
CV check valve 止回阀
DBB double block and bleed 双截断排放(阀)
EB extended bonnet 阀盖加长颈
EPV elector-pneumatic valve 电动-气动阀
ESV emergency shut valve 紧急切断阀
EXHV exhaust valve 排气阀
FTV foot valve 底阀
FV flush valve 冲洗阀
GSV gas sampline valve 气体采样阀
GSV globe stop valve 球形截止阀
GTV gate valve 闸阀
GV gate valve 闸阀
HCV hose connection valve 软管连接阀
HCV hydraulic control valve 液压控制阀
HFSV high flow shutoff valve 高速关闭阀
HPV high pressure valve 高压阀
ILRV in-line relief valve 管道泄压阀
INO inlet open 进气阀打开
INV in-line needle valve 管道针形阀
IS inside screw stem 内螺纹阀杆(暗杆)
IV inlet valve 进气阀
JCVA Japan Cylinder Valve Association 日本高压容器及阀门协会
MGV electromagnetic valve 电磁阀
MSS Manufacture's Standardization Society of Valve and Fittings Instry (美)阀门与管件工业制造商标准化协会
NRV non-return valve 止回阀
OHV overhead valve 顶阀
PCV pressure control valve 压力调节阀
PRV pressure recing valve 减压阀
PSB perssure seal bonnet 内压自密封阀盖
QEV quick exhaust valve 快速排气阀
RV pressure recing valve 减压阀
SOAV solenoid operated air valve 电磁操纵气阀
SOV shut-off valve 断流阀
SSV surface safety valve 地表(井口)安全阀
ST steam trap 蒸汽疏水阀
SV safety valve 安全阀
TDCV turning disc check valve 翻转阀瓣止回阀
TV throttle valve 节流阀
TVV thermal vacuum valve 温控真空作用阀
TWV Tee valve 三通阀
USV underwater safety valve 水下安全阀
val. valve 阀门
VB valve body 阀体
VB valve box 阀箱
vl. valve 阀门
VSLO valve stem leak-off 阀杆漏泄
YV wye valve Y形阀,斜杆直流式阀
AAE Acrylic acid - ethylene 丙烯酸—乙炔
ABRA abrasive 研磨料
ACM asbestes covered metal 包石棉金属
Al aluminum 铝
Al.B aluminium bronze 铝青铜
ALBC aluminium bronze casting 铝青铜铸件
asb. asbestos 石棉
BRS brass 黄铜
BRZ bronze 青铜
CLAS cast low alloy steel 低合金铸钢
SS stainless steel 不锈钢
TZM titanium-zirconium-molybdenum alloy 钽-锆-钼合金
CS carbon steel 碳钢

⑸ 谁能提供一篇关于阀门的英文资料 要有中文翻译!谢谢

IntroctionAs soon as mankind was able to boil water to create steam, the necessity of the safety device became evident. As long as 2000 years ago, the Chinese were using cauldrons with hinged lids to allow (relatively) safer proction of steam. At the beginning of the 14th century, chemists used conical plugs and later, compressed springs to act as safety devices on pressurised vessels.

Early in the 19th century, boiler explosions on ships and locomotives frequently resulted from faulty safety devices, which led to the development of the first safety relief valves.

In 1848, Charles Retchie invented the accumulation chamber, which increases the compression surface within the safety valve allowing it to open rapidly within a narrow overpressure margin. Today, most steam users are compelled by local health and safety regulations to ensure that their plant and processes incorporate safety devices and precautions, which ensure that dangerous conditions are prevented.

The primary function of a safety valve is therefore to protect life and property.

The principle type of device used to prevent overpressure in plant is the safety or safety relief valve. The safety valve operates by releasing a volume of fluid from within the plant when a predetermined maximum pressure is reached, thereby recing the excess pressure in a safe manner. As the safety valve may be the only remaining device to prevent catastrophic failure under overpressure conditions, it is important that any such device is capable of operating at all times and under all possible conditions.……
1848年,Charles Retchie发明了积聚腔室,增加了安全阀内的压缩表面,可使安全阀在很窄的超压余量内快速开启。现在,大多数蒸汽用户受当地健康和安全法规的强制性规定,在设备和制程上装置安全设施和预防措施,防止事故的发生。

⑹ 关于阀门的一些英语翻译

1.manual operated 手动

with limited switch 带限位开关

2. All valves should be as per below comply with below Specification.

Internal Lining for non-corrosion resistant parts coming in contact with medium to have FBE suitable portable water(ART.6.2)

⑺ 阀门专业术语英语系列

Shanghai valve Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

泵阀是泵和阀门的统称。 非用于泵的阀门或具有泵作用的阀门。泵和阀常常联系在一起的原因是使用场合。就是说有泵的地方一般都有阀门,有阀门的地方往往需要泵。他们都用于液体输送的地方。当然,阀门还用于气体。真空泵也与气体有关。

名片上写的valve pump或者pump valve是为了让人更加了解公司不只做阀还做泵

Shanghai valve&pump Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

⑻ 懂阀门英语专业术语的进

球阀,阀体材料SCS14A JPI150 ,内件SUS316,全通径,RF法兰,带手柄(生产商标准手柄);
蝶阀,阀体FCD-S JPI150,蝶板13Cr;
蝶阀,阀体SCS13A JPI150 ,蝶板SCS14A,阀座采用生产商标准材质;
止回阀,阀体SFVC2A JPI800 ,内件13Cr,BC应该是螺栓连接的阀帽(Bolted Cover),升降式,承插焊连接;
针阀,阀体SUSF316L JPI300 ,内件SUS316L,阀座和阀板密封面:司太力合金,螺栓连接的阀帽(Bolted Bonnet),明杆支架式,承插焊连接,长型阀帽。

⑼ 阀门专业名词的翻译


⑽ 请教一些有关阀门(EMERSON的ED/EVD系列)的英语词汇


shoulder 阀体或轴的承肩

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