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发布时间: 2021-01-24 06:03:56

① 仁义礼智信,忠孝廉耻勇 英语怎么翻译

Renyililetter,filialpietyandshame 。

② 求翻译,关于仁义礼智信的具体翻译,内容如下

Confucius said: "At first, Yi, wood, Ne, near benevolence."
[Source] "The Analects of Confucius, Zi"
Lesson Confucius said: "At first, strong integrity; Yi, decisive and perseverance; wood, sub-honest; Ne was not speak respected Confucian 'Ne in speech but quick in action', so few words action and strong as virtues. with these four points, close to benevolence. "

Oneself as benevolence.
[Source] "The Analects · Yan Yuan"
Lesson restrain himself, so that their words and deeds in line with the ceremony, which is benevolence.

Confucius said: "A gentleman is a righteous man comprehends li."
[Source] "The Analects · Li Ren
Lesson Confucius said: "The gentleman pass Xiao Yi, villain proficient in self-interest."

Students, but also I desire also, righteousness, also my objectives, the two can not have both, sacrifice for justice.
[Source] "Mencius Gaozi
For life is my favorite, the righteous cause is also my favorite, if these two things can not have the words, then I had to sacrifice their lives to select righteous cause.

The ceremony, Jinger are gone. So respect his father, the child Wyatt; King his brother, the younger brother of Wyatt; King his lord, Chen Yue; King, and the millions of people Wyatt. The King are few the Yuet public, also what is called arteries.
[Source] "Book of Filial Piety wide thoroughfares Chapter XII
For the so-called gift, which is beloved. So respect other people's father, his son will be joy; respect other people's elder brother, his brother happy; respect others monarch, its subjects as pleased. Beloved one, but make millions of people are glad happy. Although the object of respect, only a minority of people rejoice there are tens of thousands, which is where the meaning of veneration as a hub.

Master said: "The wise delight in the water, benevolent Leshan; know who move, the virtuous are tranquil; who know music, benevolent life."
[Source] "The Analects of Confucius · Yong also
Lesson Confucius said: "The wise love water, benevolent favorite mountain; wise restless, quiet, benevolent; happy, wise and benevolent longevity."

Confucius said: "The wise perplexed, virtuous from anxiety, and Amistad."
[Source] "The Analects of Confucius, Zi Han
Lesson Confucius said: "The wisdom of the people are not confused, benevolent people do not worry, the brave man is not afraid."

Confucius said: "People without a letter, I do not know. No Ni carts, car-free crossbar for yoking horses, its why the line of the holy?"
[Source] "The Analects of Confucius for the political
Lesson Confucius said: "no credibility, I do not know can do. If the cart does not 'Ni' cattle car to connect the car does not 'crossbar for yoking horses' horses and cars connect, then the cart, car, how can action? "

Promises must be kept and action must be resolute.
[Source] "The Analects of Confucius, Zi"
Lesson verbally must be trustworthy, behavior must be decisive

③ 儒家思想仁义礼智信恕忠孝悌英语怎么说


④ 请教:"仁义礼智信"对应的英文翻译

应该是说 仁智礼义信 吧 通常是这么说的才对啊

It values it.
Megumi of ..drinking.. Shi
It believes.

Justice humanity ritual wisdom letter

⑤ 中华传统文化儒家核心思想仁义礼智信广告设计 翻译成英语 这个毕业设计的题目,不要在谷歌翻译上敷衍我 谢

全文翻译的:Advertsing design with the the cardinal virtues of humanity, justice, propriety, wisdom and integrity which are the core thought of Confucianism in the traditional chinese culture.
简洁版:内容Advertsing design:The justice and humanity ritual wisdom letter of the traditional chinese culture.

⑥ 如何用英语翻译仁义礼智信

Benevolence 仁
Righteouness 义
Manner 礼
Wisdom 智
Credit 信

⑦ 谁能翻译"仁义礼智信"五个字

全是名词形式: Mercy Loyalty Courtesy Wisdom Credit 仁就是宽厚,义就是正直,礼就是谦让,智就是才能,信就是诚实。 孟子提出“仁、义、礼、智”,董仲舒扩充为“仁、义、礼、智、 信”,后称“五常”。这“五常”贯穿于中华伦理的发展中, 成为中国价值体系中的最核心因素。 仁,不仅是最基本的、最高的德目,而且是最普遍的德性标准。 以仁为核心形成的古代人文情怀,经过现代改造, 可以转化为现代人文精神。 义,与仁并用为道德的代表:“仁至义尽”。义成为一种人生观、 人生价值观,如“义不容辞”,“义无反顾”,“见义勇为”,“ 大义凛然”,“大义灭亲”,“义正辞严”等; 义是人生的责任和奉献,如义诊、义演、义卖、义务等, 至今仍是中国人崇高道德的表现。 礼,与仁互为表里,仁是礼的内在精神,重礼是“礼仪之邦” 的重要传统美德。“明礼”从广义说,就是讲文明;从狭义说, 作为待人接物的表现,谓“礼节”、“礼仪”;作为个体修养涵养, 谓“礼貌”;用于处理与他人的关系,谓“礼让”。 这些已经成为一个人、一个社会、 一个国家文明程度的一种表征和直观展现。 北京为迎奥运正大力开展礼仪教育。“礼之用,和为贵”, 其价值取向为“和谐”。继承发扬礼,是构建和谐社会的需要。 智,从道德智慧可延伸到科学智慧, 把科学精神与人文精神结合和统一起来,这是我们今天仍要发扬的。 信,是做人的根本,是兴业之道、治世之道。守信用、 讲信义是中华民族共认的价值标准和基本美德

⑧ 仁义礼智信,梵文怎么翻译



बुद्धि और विश्वास


⑨ 仁义礼智信 藏文翻译!!


⑩ 急!!!翻译!!!儒家文化的精髓:仁 义 礼 智 信

The essence of Confucianism: a letter Renyili

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